15 Top Picks
Here are some of the best and most interesting items in the catalog.
Here are some of the best and most interesting items in the catalog.
WWI Documents & Photos
German Weapons & Tactics 1916-1918 – This is a treasure trove of detailed information (in English) about German Army weapons and tactics in the last three years of the war. Much of this information is not found in books.
German Tactics 1917-1918 – If you buy the “German Weapons & Tactics, 1916-18” item, then you will want this item too.
The German View of the Western Front 1916-18 – Here is an opportunity to read about the German view of operations on the Western Front written by those who were there. These are German and English-language copies of actual German Army experience and lessons learned reports.
French & US Tank Manuals 1917-18 – Many of WWII’s ideas and concepts for tank warfare began in the First World War. This product has three French (one with an English-language translation) and one US Army manual about tank employment, organization, and tactics.
First Person Account of WWI German U-Boat Service 1912-18 – This is a fascinating English-language translation of an account of submarine duty written by the longest serving active submarine officer in the German Navy from 1912. $10
WWII Allied Documents
Allied Technical Intelligence Reports 1944-45 – These intelligence reports are loaded with detailed information (in English) and lots of photographs about important and unusual German weapons and equipment. There are three sets of documents: 1) Tank & Antitank, 2) Small Arms & Infantry Weapons, and 3) Artillery & Fortifications.
German Underground Military & Industrial Facilities 1945 – Underground German facilities is an under studied WWII topic. This product has fifteen technical intelligence reports prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission that describe various underground and bombproof military and industrial facilities in France and Germany. The reports are from 3 to 20 pages long with charts, diagrams, and photographs.
Axis Plans & Operations 1939-42 – These documents contain detailed information (in English) derived from original diplomatic and military documents and are a very good overview of early-war German and Italian plans and operations. It is a great primary source of information, most of which is not published in books or magazines. There are four sets of documents: 1) Mediterranean, East Africa, & Middle East 1939-41, 2) Mediterranean & North Africa 1941-42, 3) Norway, Attack in the West, & Invasion of England 1939-42; and 4) Russian Campaign 1941.
History of the US Army's Tactical Deception Unit 1944-45 – This is the most unusual WWII document in the catalog because it details the methods and procedures of US Army tactical deception in Europe in 1944 and 1945 and provides short summaries of 22 deception operations.
V Corps Operations 1942-45 – This is much more than the typical post-war unit history. This volume is a day-to-day, illustrated narrative based on official reports, maps, records, and after-action reports. It is chock full of information and data, has 147 maps of friendly and enemy positions, and numerous orders of battle charts for the corps. It is what we wish all unit histories were.
US Army ETHINT Manuscripts – It is hard to get better value for your money than to purchase this collection of 81 English-language manuscripts written by senior German officers. While many of these manuscripts are available online, this collection is complete, scanned in easy-reading color, and has all the maps that accompany the manuscripts.
Captured German Records
T-311 Roll 136: Army Group North Map Atlases of Operations, Russia 1941-43 – This is much more than just a map atlas of unit locations. The atlas explains, in map form, all facets of how the Army Group North ran its operations in Russia. Unlike many microfilm documents, these are nice, clean high-resolution maps. This is one of my favorite products in the catalog.
OKW Maps
German Military Situation Maps: North Africa (Lage Nordafrika) 1941-42 – This is a must have for anyone interested in the Afrika Korps.
WWII Fortifications
Report on German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater, Volumes 1-7 – This series of seven volumes details the organization, tactics, operations, training, engineering construction, armament, ammunition, gunnery, fire control, communications, and underwater defenses of the Atlantic Wall. It contains lots of technical data and is profusely illustrated with photographs, plans, and maps. This product is a must for anyone interested in the Atlantic Wall.
German Army Westwall Map Atlas 1940 – Finding this official German Army map atlas at NARA was a pleasant surprise. Many Westwall enthusiasts have told me they have never such seen detailed maps of the Westwall as it was built in 1940.
German Weapons & Tactics 1916-1918 – This is a treasure trove of detailed information (in English) about German Army weapons and tactics in the last three years of the war. Much of this information is not found in books.
- Description: 56 British War Office documents derived from translated material concerning German weapons and tactics. Most documents are short - 1 to 4 pages - and date from 1918. Included are: Anti-Tank Defence, British Gas Projector Bombardment of Ablainzevelle on the 18th June 1918, Camouflage, Comparative Effectiveness of Different Weapons, Directions for the Engagement of Pursuit Flights, Divisional Order for the Attack - Nr. 1, Employment of Battle Flights, Enemy Mines and Demolitions, Experience of the 1st German Army in the Somme Battle, Experience of the Recent Fighting at Verdun, Experiences of the IV German Corps in the Battle of the Somme during July 1916, Extracts from German Documents Dealing with Lessons Drawn From Battle of Somme; Extracts from the German Official Minenwerfer Textbook, Gas Bombardments, General Principles of the Construction of Field Positions, German 08-18 (Air-cooled) Light Machine Gun, German 1918 Pattern Automatic Pistol-Gun, German Anti-Aircraft Organization, German Artillery Tactics in the Offensive Battle in Trench Warfare, German Automatic Detonating Device, German Conventional Signs; German Message Shell, German Method of Overcoming Machine Gun Defence in Depth, German Methods in the Attack and Indications of an Offense, German Shells and Fuzes, German Streamline HE Field Gun Shell, German System of Squaring Maps, German Traps and Mines, Guidance for the Conduct of Every German Soldier Who is Taken Prisoner, Information Given by German Prisoners, Instructions for the Employment of Machine Guns in the Attack, Methods of Attack of the German Infantry, Methods of Surmounting the Machine Gun Zone, Minenwerfer, Miscellaneous Translated Notes; New German Rifle Grenade, Notes on the Break-Through for Bde, Regt, and Bn Commanders, Notes on the New Type Pfalz Scout (D.12) 1918, Photographs of German Guns (Serials 1-3), Principles of Artillery Support for Fighting in the Outpost Zone, Reports of German Formations Employed on the Somme 1916, Signal-Thrower, Special Instructions for Operation Michael, The 1917 German Long Delay Action Fuze For Demolition Purposes, The Artillery Aeroplane and the Artillery Balloon, The Attack of a Position in Warfare, The Construction of Defensive Positions, The Employment of Gas in a German Offensive, The Employment of Tanks Germans in the Attacks North and East of Reims, The German Tank Elfriede 1918, The Infantry Aeroplane and the Infantry Balloon, The Light Minenwerfer on Flat Trajectory Carriage, The New German 24-cm (9.45in) Heavy Flugelminenwerfer, Types of German Aircraft, Types of German Gas Shell and Labels on Shell Baskets, and Weapons of Close Combat. $20
German Tactics 1917-1918 – If you buy the “German Weapons & Tactics, 1916-18” item, then you will want this item too.
- Description: Five English-language manuals produced by the Allies during the war: a 47-page document titled "Notes on the German Army in the War" translated into English by the US Army from a French Army document that describes how the German Army created, mobilized, organized, and fielded units from 1914 to 1917; a 95-page document titled "Summary of Recent Information Regarding the German Army and Its Methods" produced by the British General Staff in 1917 that describes mine warfare, communications, armament and equipment, gas warfare, defense and offensive tactics, aviation, supply and transportation, maps, unit and higher headquarters organization, manpower, and medical services; a 71-page document titled "German Notes on Minor Tactics" produced by the US Army in 1917 that describes various aspects of artillery, intelligence, liaison, and employment of light machine guns; a 226-page document titled "German and Austrian Tactical Studies" that describes German and Austrian lessons learned and combat experiences in1917; and a 59-page document "A Survey of German Tactics, 1918" that surveys infantry, artillery, and aviation tactics during the campaign of 1918. The documents contain numerous charts and diagrams. $20
The German View of the Western Front 1916-18 – Here is an opportunity to read about the German view of operations on the Western Front written by those who were there. These are German and English-language copies of actual German Army experience and lessons learned reports.
- Description: 16 German and English-language documents complied by the World War I Branch of the Historical Section, Army War College concerning experiences and lessons learned of the German Army on the Western Front from 1916-18. Included are: 38-page "5. Armee Auszüge aus den Kriegsakten über den Feldzug von Verdun 1916" (German); 86-page "5. Armee Erfahrungsberichte über Verdun 1916" (German); 44-page "5th German Army Lessons of the Verdun Battle 1916" (English); 30-page "5th German Army War Diary Extracts, Verdun 1916" (English); 27-page "Experience of the German 1st Army in the Somme Battle" (English); 2-page "German Army Experiences in Flanders and at Lens" (English); 25- page "Strategical Observations 1918" (English); 21-page "Considerations on the Major Offensive to be Launched Against the British and French in 1918" (English); 40-page "Defensive Operations in the Champagne, 26 Sep - 9 Oct 1918" (English); 2-page "The Americans in Attack" (English); 53-page "The Fight for the St. Mihiel Salient" English); 50-page "The Battle of the Argonne and the Meuse in the Autumn of 1918" (English); 163-page "Estimates of Strength, Capabilities & Combat Value of American Forces 1917-18" (German & English); 6-page "The Military Achievements of America in the World War" (English); 10-page "The Catastrophe of 1918" (English); 8-page "The Military Responsibilities for the German Collapse of 1918" (English). $20
French & US Tank Manuals 1917-18 – Many of WWII’s ideas and concepts for tank warfare began in the First World War. This product has three French (one with an English-language translation) and one US Army manual about tank employment, organization, and tactics.
- Description: Three tank manuals: a 42-page French manual "Instruction sur l'emploi des Chars D'Assault" dated December 1917 with English-Language translation "Instruction on the Employment of Tanks 1918", a 151-page French manual "Instruction Provisoire sur la Manoeuver des Unites des Chars Legers" dated 1918 with English-language translation "Provisional Instructions on the Employment of Light Tank Units 1918", and a 12-page American Expeditionary Forces manual "Tanks - Organization and Tactics 1918" dated December 1918. $12
First Person Account of WWI German U-Boat Service 1912-18 – This is a fascinating English-language translation of an account of submarine duty written by the longest serving active submarine officer in the German Navy from 1912. $10
- Description: A 94-page English-language translation of "Six Years of Submarine Cruising" by Johannes Spiess, a Lieutnant in the German Navy who served on U-Boats from 1912, through the war, until the Armistice in 1918 and was, at war's end, the longest serving active submarine officer in the German Navy. Spiess commanded four U-Boats: the U9, U19, U52, and U135. His account provides many insights into the German U-Boat service. $10
WWII Allied Documents
Allied Technical Intelligence Reports 1944-45 – These intelligence reports are loaded with detailed information (in English) and lots of photographs about important and unusual German weapons and equipment. There are three sets of documents: 1) Tank & Antitank, 2) Small Arms & Infantry Weapons, and 3) Artillery & Fortifications.
- Part 1 - German Tank & Anti-Tank: 93 reports with more than 400 photographs about various aspects of armored vehicle, anti-tank equipment, half-tracks, and wheeled vehicles. Includes the following reports among others. $20
- Part 2 - German Small Arms & Infantry Weapons: 110 reports detailing smalls, ammunition, and infantry weapons including Russian, French, Austrian, and Danish weapons used by German troops. Includes the following reports among others. $20
- Part 3 - German Artillery & Fortifications: 104 reports with more than 600 photographs about various aspects of field and heavy artillery and fortification weapons and optics. Includes the following reports among others. $20
- Part 4 - German Missiles & Air Defense: 79 reports with more than 450 photographs about various aspects of guided missiles, anti-aircraft defenses, plus various documents about aircraft bombs and rockets and the German explosives industry. Includes the following reports among others. $20
German Underground Military & Industrial Facilities 1945 – Underground German facilities is an under studied WWII topic. This product has fifteen technical intelligence reports prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission that describe various underground and bombproof military and industrial facilities in France and Germany. The reports are from 3 to 20 pages long with charts, diagrams, and photographs.
- Description: Fifteen technical intelligence reports prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission describing various underground and bombproof military and industrial facilities in France and Germany. The reports are 3 - 20 pages long with charts, diagrams, and photographs. The reports are: Inspection of Robot Bomb Facility at Thil, France; Inspection of Underground Factory at Audun Le Tiche, France; Underground German Liquid Oxygen Plant at Wittring near Saarguemines, France; Underground Torpedo Workshop at St. Cloud, France; Bombproof Aircraft Assembly Plant (Weingut II near Landsberg, Germany); Inspection of Personnel Anti-Bomb Shelters, Bonn, Germany; Oil Storage Construction near Kiel, Germany; Fabrik Hessisch, Lichtenau, a Camouflaged Explosives Plant; The L.F.A., Volkenrode, an Aerodynamics and Ordnance Research Laboratory; Underground Factories and Storage Depots in Salt Mines (Harz Mountains, Germany); Underground Factory in Existing Mine (Roigheim, Germany) Underground Factories at Niedersachswerfen and Woffleben (Mittelbau-Dora); Construction and Planning Features of German Airfields; German Camouflage; Regulations Governing Construction of Bombproof Shelters. $15
Axis Plans & Operations 1939-42 – These documents contain detailed information (in English) derived from original diplomatic and military documents and are a very good overview of early-war German and Italian plans and operations. It is a great primary source of information, most of which is not published in books or magazines. There are four sets of documents: 1) Mediterranean, East Africa, & Middle East 1939-41, 2) Mediterranean & North Africa 1941-42, 3) Norway, Attack in the West, & Invasion of England 1939-42; and 4) Russian Campaign 1941.
- Mediterranean, East Africa, & Middle East 1939-41: Three documents: "Axis Activities in Syria and Iraq - 1939-1941" that describes the military support given by Germany and to a lesser extent Italy to anti-British movements in the Middle East which culminated in the unsuccessful revolt in Iraq and defeat of Vichy forces in Syria in 1941, "Axis Plans and Operations in the Mediterranean - September 1939 - February 1941" that describes the development of Italian and German activity in the Mediterranean area from the outbreak of war until February 1941 when German forces made their appearance in North Africa, and "The Italian Campaign in East Africa - 10 June 1940 - 18 May 1941" that describes the Italian conduct of the campaign in East Africa from the date of Italy's entry into the war on 10 Jun 40 until the capture of Ama Alagi by British forces and the surrender of the Viceroy on 18 May 1941. $15
- Mediterranean & North Africa 1941-42: Three documents: "The War in the Mediterranean - February to November 1941" that describes the attitude of German and Italian High Commands to events in North Africa up to Jun 41, German intentions in anticipation of an early victory in Russia to include the invasions of Gibraltar and Malta and an armored thrust through Turkey, and the buildup for the attack on Tobruk; "Axis Operations in North Africa - February to November 1941" which describes German tactical operations during Rommel's advance from Tripolitana to Tobruk, attempts to capture Tobruk and defend against British Operation Battleaxe, and the preparations for the autumn offensive; "Axis Operations in North Africa - November 1941-Febuary 1942" that describes German tactical operations during the second British offensive (Crusader) and the end of the German counter offensive. $15
- Norway, Attack in the West, & Invasion of England 1939-42: Three documents titled "Notes on the Norwegian Campaign 1940" that analyzes the strengths and movements of German forces engaged at various points during the Norwegian campaign, "The German Plan of Attack in the West 1939-1940" that describes the German plan in terms of its effect on army group commanders, and "The German Plans for the Invasion of England 1939-1942" that describes the origin and development of plans evolved by the German High Command for an invasion of England. $15
- Russian Campaign 1941: Two documents: "Barbarossa - The Origins and Development of Hitler's Plan to Attack Russia" that describes the events which preceded the German attack on Russia to include the tensions between Germany and Soviet Russia, Russo-German treaties, and the deterioration of Russo-German relations; and "The Russian Campaign - June - November 1941" that describes Hitler's aims and strategic concepts in occupying the Soviet Union and various aspects of the war connected with the Russian campaign. $15
History of the US Army's Tactical Deception Unit 1944-45 – This is the most unusual WWII document in the catalog because it details the methods and procedures of US Army tactical deception in Europe in 1944 and 1945 and provides short summaries of 22 deception operations.
- Description: A 123-page document titled "Official History of the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, 1944-45" that describes the US Army's only WWII tactical battlefield deception unit. The unit conducted 22 deception operations in Europe against the German Army from Normandy to the Rhine River. Some of these operations had a significant impact upon how the battles in Europe were fought. The document describes the activation and organization of the unit, provides a short synopsis of each deception operation, and has a list of awards and decorations received by unit personnel. Includes 3 photographs and 28 maps. $15
V Corps Operations 1942-45 – This is much more than the typical post-war unit history. This volume is a day-to-day, illustrated narrative based on official reports, maps, records, and after-action reports. It is chock full of information and data, has 147 maps of friendly and enemy positions, and numerous orders of battle charts for the corps. It is what we wish all unit histories were.
- Description: A 511-page unit history titled "V Corps Operations in the ETO, 6 Jan 1942 - 9 May 1945." This is much more than a typical unit history. This volume is a detailed day-to-day, fully mapped, illustrated narrative based on official reports and records, unit histories, and after-action reports. It is chock full of information and data and has 147 maps with friendly and enemy positions, numerous order of battle charts for the corps and its subordinate units detailing operations from OMAHA Beach, across France and Belgium to Luxembourg during the Battle of the Bulge, through the Westwall (Siegfried Line) into Germany, across the Rhine River into central Germany, and over the Elbe River into Czechoslovakia. Note, the original volume suffered water damage and some pages show signs of staining. Also, the page numbering in this volume is out of order in one section, but all pages are present and have been scanned. $20
US Army ETHINT Manuscripts – It is hard to get better value for your money than to purchase this collection of 81 English-language manuscripts written by senior German officers. While many of these manuscripts are available online, this collection is complete, scanned in easy-reading color, and has all the maps that accompany the manuscripts.
- Description: All 81 European Theater Historical Interrogations (ETHINT) reports produced by the US Army. The reports are a record of interviews conducted immediately after the war with senior German officers such as Warlimont, Skorzeny, Pieper, Dietrich, Kraemer, Doenitz, Goering, Simon, Guderian, Manteuffel, Rundstedt, Hausser, Keitel, Jodl, Mellenthin, Bayerlein, Kesselring, von der Heydte, and others. Most reports are between 7 and 20 pages long. Topics included in the collection are but not limited to: German Strategy (1939-41); Hitler's Conduct of the War; Malta, Dunkerque, Battle of Britain, North Africa, Dieppe, Sitzkrieg; From Invasion to the Siegfried Line; Reciprocal Influence of East and West Fronts; German-Japanese Collaboration; Hitler's Interest in Small Details; The 20 Jul 44 Attempt; Was von Kluge a Traitor?; Transfer of Units East-West (1944); German War History Writing; Seventh Army, Normandy; Normandy Invasion; Panzer Tactics in Normandy; 116th Panzer Division in Normandy and from the Seine to Aachen; I. SS Panzer Corps, Avranches; Luftwaffe at Avranches; Mons Pocket, Losses; Mission of Seventh Army (25 Jul-31 Aug 44); Allied Opportunity, Northern France (Jul-Aug 44); Panzer Lehr Division, Mission (Jun 28 - Jul 44); Panzer Lehr Division at the Start of Operation COBRA (24-25 Jul 44); 6th Parachute Regiment and Operation COBRA (25-30 Jul 1944); 3d Parachute Division in Normandy (15 Jan-16 Jul 44); OB West and the Normandy Campaign; OKW Planning for the Ardennes; 1st SS Panzer Regiment in the Ardennes; Ardennes Offensive (Role of Commandos and 150th Panzer Brigade); Seventh Army and Sixth Panzer Army in the Ardennes; LXVII and LXXXV Infantry Corps in the Ardennes Offensive; XLVII Panzer Corps Investment and Breakthrough to Bastogne; 26 VG Div Breakthrough to Bastogne; Fuehrer Begleit Brigade in the Ardennes; 3d Panzer Grenadier Division, 26 VG Div,Panzer Lehr Division in the Ardennes; Tank Maintenance, Ardennes; 5th Parachute Div, Evaluation (Dec 44); German Paratroops in the Ardennes; Invasion of Southern France; Invasion and the German Navy; U-Boats against US-UK Shipping; Invasion and Advance to the RuhRoll -East-West Strategy; Panzer Employment on the Western Front; Defense of Metz; XIII SS Infantry Corps in the Lorraine Campaign; US Third Army Breakthrough (1-9 Sep 44); Defense of the West Wall; Fifth Panzer Army Mission of (11 Sep 44 - Jan 45); German Defense of the Ruhr; 116th Panzer Division in the Huertgen Forest (2-14 Nov 44); Reaction of Seventh Army to the Nov 1944 Offensive; Seventh Army Losses in Huertgen Forest; Comments on Patton and the U.S. Third Army (Sep 1944); Panzer Lehr Division (Jul 44 Apr 45); Remagen and the Ruhr; Rapido River Crossing. $10
Captured German Records
T-311 Roll 136: Army Group North Map Atlases of Operations, Russia 1941-43 – This is much more than just a map atlas of unit locations. The atlas explains, in map form, all facets of how the Army Group North ran its operations in Russia. Unlike many microfilm documents, these are nice, clean high-resolution maps. This is one of my favorite products in the catalog.
- Description: 654 images of three atlases - Der Feldzug gegen die Sowjet, Kriegsjahre 1941, 1942, and 1943 - prepared by Army Group North of operations in Russia for the years 1941, 1942, & 1943. Each atlas includes an order of battle chart for the army group; a short commentary on combat operations; and a series of elaborate maps, overlays, and sketches. These atlases are AG North's own "official" account of its operations on the Eastern Front. Also included is a file with a 1:12,500 scale town plan of Leningrad with index of military and industrial installations. $25
OKW Maps
German Military Situation Maps: North Africa (Lage Nordafrika) 1941-42 – This is a must have for anyone interested in the Afrika Korps.
- Description: 86 maps from the Operations Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) that detail the disposition and movements of German forces in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia from Dec 41 to Dec 42. Maps in the series have varying scales from 1:200,000 to 1:1,000,000 and cover the following dates: 29 Dec 41; 8, 9, 12, 25, 26, 30 Jan 42; 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 28 Feb 42; 6, 19, 31 Mar 42; 2, 9, 18, 30 Apr 42; 20, 27, 29, 30 May 42; 3, 6, 11-18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30 Jun 42; 5, 15, 19, 22, Jul 42: 18, 19, 25 Aug 42; 1 Sep 42; 17-20, 22, 23, 25-30 Nov 42; 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15-19, 21, 23-26, 28, 30 Dec 42. Maps were scanned in color at 1,200 dpi. $20
WWII Fortifications
Report on German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater, Volumes 1-7 – This series of seven volumes details the organization, tactics, operations, training, engineering construction, armament, ammunition, gunnery, fire control, communications, and underwater defenses of the Atlantic Wall. It contains lots of technical data and is profusely illustrated with photographs, plans, and maps. This product is a must for anyone interested in the Atlantic Wall.
- Description: Seven volume technical series titled "German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater" prepared by the Seacoast Artillery Evaluation Board, United States Forces, European Theater. This series details the organization, tactics, operations, training, engineering construction, armament, ammunition, gunnery, fire control, communications, and underwater defenses of the Atlantic Wall, with special emphasis on the defenses of Norway. The volumes contain much technical data and are profusely illustrated with photographs, plans, and maps. $20
German Army Westwall Map Atlas 1940 – Finding this official German Army map atlas at NARA was a pleasant surprise. Many Westwall enthusiasts have told me they have never such seen detailed maps of the Westwall as it was built in 1940.
- Description: 26 1:25,000 color maps of Westwall (Siegfried Line) fortifications from an official German Army map atlas of Westwall fortifications dated March 25, 1940. The maps cover the entire Westwall from Cleve near the Dutch border to Friedlingen on the Swiss border and include the location of casemates, observation posts, artillery positions, command posts, and anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacles. Note: Because the maps are so large, each was digitized in a series of four to six overlapping images. $20