WWI Documents & Photos
These DVDs contain color scans of documents and photographs at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The photographs were scanned as JPEG files.
These DVDs contain color scans of documents and photographs at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The photographs were scanned as JPEG files.
German Army
German Army Study of Tank Action at Villers-Bretonneux April 25, 1918
German-language document titled "Bericht über Erfahrungen beim Einsatz der deutschen Panzerkraftwagen im Jahre 1918." The report produced by the US Army in 1932 is a certified copy of the original German Army document in the Reichsarchiv. It contains 161 pages of orders, war diary entries, and after-action comments from the various units involved in the operation. Includes four maps. Also included is a 161-page German-language study titled "The Employment of Tanks by Armies in the War 1914-18" (Verwendung strassenpanzerkraftwagen in den Herren das Weltkrieges 1914/18: Wo wird ihre Entwicklung beeinflusst?) concerning the employment and development of armored vehicles by various armies during WWI, eleven short English-language Allied intelligence reports concerning German tanks during the war, and a US Army Intelligence Report (with photos) on A7V Nixe. $15
German 1st Army War Diary, Belgium & France Aug-Sep 14
Two German-language documents concerning operations of the German 1st Army during the first two months of World War I: a 197-page copy of the 1st Army war diary produced by the US Army from records at the Reichsarchiv, and a 35-page article written by General von Kuhl titled "Die Marschbewegungen und die Versorgung der 1. Armee von Beginn der Operationen bis zum Rueckmarsch hinter die Aisne im August und September 1914" ("Movements and Communications of the 1st Army for Aug and Sept 1914"). The article includes a schematic of how lines of communication were organized, three sketches of how an army maneuvers its subordinate corps, and a map of 1st Army's retreat from the Marne. $10
German Occupation of Belgium 1914-18
A 15-page French-language document titled "L'Occupation Allemande en Belgique" written by the Belgian Army in March 1918. Topics covered in the document are zones of occupation, government and civil administration, the political department, administration of banks, military occupation, and defensive fortifications. $5
Campaign of the 9th German Army Against the Rumanians and Russians 1916-17
English-language translation of a two-part manuscript "The Campaign of the 9th German Army Against the Rumanians and Russians, 1916-17" by General of Infantry Erich Von Falkenhayn. Part I is a 54-page section titled "The Triumphal Progress Through Transylvania." Part II is an 81-page section titled "The Combat and Victories in Rumania." $10
Zwei Kriegsjahre einer ‘42cm’ Batterie 1914-16
142-page German-language book titled “Zwei Kriegsjahre einer '42 cm' Batterie” by Ferdinand Solf, commander of Kurze Marine-Kanone (KMK) 1, that bombarded French Fort Manonviller in 1914; the Russian fortresses at Osowiec and Kovno, the Serbian fortress at Semendria, the Dannemarie viaduct in France, and the citadel at Arras in 1915; and French forts at Verdun in 1916 with is two 42cm Gamma howitzers. $3
German Weapons & Tactics 1916-18
56 British War Office documents derived from translated material concerning German weapons and tactics. Most documents are short - 1 to 4 pages - and date from 1918. Included are: Anti-Tank Defence, British Gas Projector Bombardment of Ablainzevelle on the 18th June 1918, Camouflage, Comparative Effectiveness of Different Weapons, Directions for the Engagement of Pursuit Flights, Divisional Order for the Attack - Nr. 1, Employment of Battle Flights, Enemy Mines and Demolitions, Experience of the 1st German Army in the Somme Battle, Experience of the Recent Fighting at Verdun, Experiences of the IV German Corps in the Battle of the Somme during July 1916, Extracts from German Documents Dealing with Lessons Drawn From Battle of Somme; Extracts from the German Official Minenwerfer Textbook, Gas Bombardments, General Principles of the Construction of Field Positions, German 08-18 (Air-cooled) Light Machine Gun, German 1918 Pattern Automatic Pistol-Gun, German Anti-Aircraft Organization, German Artillery Tactics in the Offensive Battle in Trench Warfare, German Automatic Detonating Device, German Conventional Signs; German Message Shell, German Method of Overcoming Machine Gun Defence in Depth, German Methods in the Attack and Indications of an Offense, German Shells and Fuzes, German Streamline HE Field Gun Shell, German System of Squaring Maps, German Traps and Mines, Guidance for the Conduct of Every German Soldier Who is Taken Prisoner, Information Given by German Prisoners, Instructions for the Employment of Machine Guns in the Attack, Methods of Attack of the German Infantry, Methods of Surmounting the Machine Gun Zone, Minenwerfer, Miscellaneous Translated Notes; New German Rifle Grenade, Notes on the Break-Through for Bde, Regt, and Bn Commanders, Notes on the New Type Pfalz Scout (D.12) 1918, Photographs of German Guns (Serials 1-3), Principles of Artillery Support for Fighting in the Outpost Zone, Reports of German Formations Employed on the Somme 1916, Signal-Thrower, Special Instructions for Operation Michael, The 1917 German Long Delay Action Fuze For Demolition Purposes, The Artillery Aeroplane and the Artillery Balloon, The Attack of a Position in Warfare, The Construction of Defensive Positions, The Employment of Gas in a German Offensive, The Employment of Tanks Germans in the Attacks North and East of Reims, The German Tank Elfriede 1918, The Infantry Aeroplane and the Infantry Balloon, The Light Minenwerfer on Flat Trajectory Carriage, The New German 24-cm (9.45in) Heavy Flugelminenwerfer, Types of German Aircraft, Types of German Gas Shell and Labels on Shell Baskets, and Weapons of Close Combat. $20
German Tactics 1917-18
Five English-language manuals produced by the Allies during the war: a 47-page document titled "Notes on the German Army in the War" translated into English by the US Army from a French Army document that describes how the German Army created, mobilized, organized, and fielded units from 1914 to 1917; a 95-page document titled "Summary of Recent Information Regarding the German Army and Its Methods" produced by the British General Staff in 1917 that describes mine warfare, communications, armament and equipment, gas warfare, defense and offensive tactics, aviation, supply and transportation, maps, unit and higher headquarters organization, manpower, and medical services; a 71-page document titled "German Notes on Minor Tactics" produced by the US Army in 1917 that describes various aspects of artillery, intelligence, liaison, and employment of light machine guns; a 226-page document titled "German and Austrian Tactical Studies" that describes German and Austrian lessons learned and combat experiences in1917; and a 59-page document "A Survey of German Tactics, 1918" that surveys infantry, artillery, and aviation tactics during the campaign of 1918. The documents contain numerous charts and diagrams. $20
The German View of the Western Front 1916-18
16 German and English-language documents complied by the World War I Branch of the Historical Section, Army War College concerning experiences and lessons learned of the German Army on the Western Front from 1916-18. Included are: 38-page "5. Armee Auszüge aus den Kriegsakten über den Feldzug von Verdun 1916" (German); 86-page "5. Armee Erfahrungsberichte über Verdun 1916" (German); 44-page "5th German Army Lessons of the Verdun Battle 1916" (English); 30-page "5th German Army War Diary Extracts, Verdun 1916" (English); 27-page "Experience of the German 1st Army in the Somme Battle" (English); 2-page "German Army Experiences in Flanders and at Lens" (English); 25- page "Strategical Observations 1918" (English); 21-page "Considerations on the Major Offensive to be Launched Against the British and French in 1918" (English); 40-page "Defensive Operations in the Champagne, 26 Sep - 9 Oct 1918" (English); 2-page "The Americans in Attack" (English); 53-page "The Fight for the St. Mihiel Salient" English); 50-page "The Battle of the Argonne and the Meuse in the Autumn of 1918" (English); 163-page "Estimates of Strength, Capabilities & Combat Value of American Forces 1917-18" (German & English); 6-page "The Military Achievements of America in the World War" (English); 10-page "The Catastrophe of 1918" (English); 8-page "The Military Responsibilities for the German Collapse of 1918" (English). $20
First Person Account of WWI German U-Boat Service 1912-18
A 94-page English-language translation of "Six Years of Submarine Cruising" by Johannes Spiess, a Lieutnant in the German Navy who served on U-Boats from 1912, through the war, until the Armistice in 1918 and was, at war's end, the longest serving active submarine officer in the German Navy. Spiess commanded four U-Boats: the U9, U19, U52, and U135. His account provides many insights into the German U-Boat service. $10
WWI German Army Abbreviations and Map Symbols
Three useful reference documents: "Abkürzungen in Militärischen Akten" (Abbreviations in Military Documents), produced by the Reichsarchiv in1928, 91 pages; "Taktische Zeichen" (Tactical Symbols for Maps) produced by the Chief of the Kriegs Vermessungs Wesens, 1917, 35 pages; and "Official Abbreviations used in the German Army", produced by the US Army in1919, 4 pages. $10
Directory of German Army Operations Codenames 1917-18
A 69-page German-language document titled "Decknamen-Verzeichnis" that lists operations code names used by the German Army in 1917 and 1918. Each listed code name has a brief description of the operation. The document was compiled from Army High Command (OHL) and Corps files for reference use by researchers working at the Reichsarchiv. $10
German Evasions of the Military Provisions of the Treaty of Versailles
A 44-page document written by the US Army at the end of WWII in May 1944 to survey the methods used by the Germans to evade the fulfillment of the military, naval, and air clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. $8
French Army
French Artillery 1914-18
141-page French-language document titled “Cours Artillerie: Organization de Material, III Material Modernes,” dated September 1925 that describes pre-war, anti-aircraft, field, heavy and long-range, and railroad artillery of the French Army during World War I. Includes many technical sketches of the guns and their components. $10
British Army
Interpretation of Aeroplane Photographs 1917
The March 1917 (10 pages) and February 1918 (135 pages) editions of "Notes on the Interpretation of Aeroplane Photographs" issued by the British General Staff. This well-illustrated document includes more than 100 annotated aerial photographs for identifying trenches and wire, dug outs and mine shafts, machine guns, trench mortars, listening and observation posts, tracks, railways, buried cables and air lines, concrete structures, fortified shell holes, batteries. Each aerial photograph is accompanied by a diagram that annotates the key features in the photograph. $15
British Military Operations in France 1917-18
37 British government publications and British War Office records dating from 1917 and 1918 concerning the plans, operations, and tactics of British Armies in France. Included are the reference documents - Abbreviations Commonly Used by British Armies in France, Conventional Signs for British Maps, Synopsis of British Air Effort During the War, and The Official List of the Names of Battles During the Great War; operations documents - the First Army (Reports of Operations for the Lys Operation), Second Army (Report of Operations for the Lys Operation, Summary of Operations, July 1918), Third Army (Account of Operations for the Somme Defensive, Reports of Operations for the Advance in Picardy, Reports of Operations for the Somme Offensive, War Diary for the Somme Defensive), Fourth Army (Artillery Report in the Attack on the Hindenburg Line, Reports of Operations for the Advance in Picardy, Summary of Operations for the Advance in Picardy), Fifth Army (Summary of Operations and war Diary, March 1918) and a GHQ Report on the Somme Defensive, Mar - Apr 1918; tactics documents – Counter Battery Work, GHQ Artillery Circulars and Notes on Recent Operations, Notes on the Employment of the 4-in Stokes Mortar Bombs, Second British Army Study on the Use of Mortars, Technical Instructions for Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Sections in France, and Third Army Extracts from Routine Orders; order of battle documents - Army, Corps, and Division Headquarters Locations, 16 Sep 1918, Changes in the Number of German Infantry Divisions in the Western Theatre, Nov 1917 - Nov 1918, Monthly Index of German Infantry Divisions and Corps Staffs, July 1918, Order of Battle of British Armies in France, 1 February 1918, The Comparative Strength of German Armies on the Western Front in 1917; and two planning documents - GHQ Plan of Advance into Germany Second British Army Scheme of Defence Cologne Bridgehead. Note: Some of these documents are copies made by the US Army from the original British records for use as source material for the US history of the war. $20
British War Office Daily Intelligence Summaries Sep 17 - Jun 18
128 daily intelligence summaries published by the British War Office from September 1917 to June 1918 (with gaps). The summaries are dated Sep 7, 8, 10, 12-15, 17-22, 24-29; Oct 1, 2, 6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-30; Nov 1, 7, 10, 12-16, 19-24, 26; Dec 12; Jan 2-4, 25-26, 28-31; Feb 1, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-21, 27, 29; Apr 30; May 1-4, 6-8, 10, 11, 13-18, 21-25, 28, 30-31; Jun 1, 2-6, 25-27. The summaries average 3-4 pages and describe the military, political, and economic events of Germany and Austria-Hungary and Allied military activities on the Western, Eastern, Southern, Balkan, Palestine, Mesopotamian, and East African Theaters. $10
US Army
American Expeditionary Force Strategy & Operations 1917-18
A 36-page statement by Colonel George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the American Expeditionary Force, written in 1919 concerning the operations of American troops in France. Marshall succinctly explains what was planned, when and why it was planned, and what was accomplished and how. This short document provides an interesting overview of AEF operations as seen by senior AEF leaders and staff. $1
Allied Tank Studies & Reports 1916-18
Six documents: an 8-page A.F.V. Technical Intelligence Summary No. 1 produced by the British War Office, a 47-page report titled the "History of Tanks in the World War, 1914-18" produced by the US Army Tank School, a 189-page document titled "Paper on Development of Tanks" produced by the Tank, Tractor & Trailer Division of the US Army Ordnance Department, a 143-page document titled "Report on English Tanks" produced by the US Army Ordnance Department, and a document titled "Lecture on Tanks and Their Operations with the First American Army, at St. Mihiel Salient and in the Argonne", and a 3-page document with tabular data concerning losses of tanks and tank personnel. $20
French & US Tank Manuals 1917-18
Three tank manuals: a 42-page French manual "Instruction sur l'emploi des Chars D'Assault" dated December 1917 with English-Language translation "Instruction on the Employment of Tanks 1918", a 151-page French manual "Instruction Provisoire sur la Manoeuver des Unites des Chars Legers" dated 1918 with English-language translation "Provisional Instructions on the Employment of Light Tank Units 1918", and a 12-page American Expeditionary Forces manual "Tanks - Organization and Tactics 1918" dated December 1918. $12
US Tanks in WWI and Interwar Period 1916-39
Four documents from the US Army Office of the Chief of Ordnance that document the history and development of US tanks in WWI and the interwar period: "American Automotive Ordnance, 1919-1942," 129 pages; "Armored Combat Vehicles Through the Ages," 82 pages; "The Tank from WWI to 1939," 128 pages; and "The Tank to 1 September 1939," 51 pages. $10
US Army Small Unit Tactical Operations Manuals 1916-18
Twelve manuals: "Infantry in the Defense" 1917, "Scouting and Patrolling" 1917, "Notes on Infantry Raids and Attacks" 1917, "Notes on the Tactical Use of Foreground Illumination" 1917, "Instruction on Organization of the Ground" 1918, "Instructions for the Defensive Combat of Small Units" Part 1 1918, three versions of "Instructions for the Offensive Combat of Small Units" 1917 and 1918, two versions of the "Supplement to Instructions on the Offensive of Small Units" 1916 and 1918, "Instructions for the Training of Platoons for Offensive Action" 1917. $15
US Army Infantry Weapons Manuals 1917-18
16 US Army WWI manuals concerning the use and employment of infantry weapons: "Instructions for Assembling the Infantry Equipment Model of 1910," March 1912; "Close Combat Weapons," July 1917; "Manual of Arms - Care of the Rifle," September 1918; "Manual of the Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45 Model 1911," February 1918; "Manual for Hand Bombers and Rifle Grenadiers," February 1918; "Notes on the Automatic Time Fuse Grenade Model 1916," January 1918; "Notes on the Use of the Viven-Bessieres Rifle Grenade," August 1917; "Provisional Instruction on the Automatic Rifle Model 1915 (Chauchat)," August 1917; "Provisional Instructions for Indirect Fire of Machine Guns," October 1917; "Regulations for Machine Gun Companies," 1917; "Rifle and Hand Grenades," January 1917; "Light Trench Mortar Drill Regulations," December 1917; "Manual of the Automatic Rifle (Chauchat)," March 1918; "Instruction Concerning the Tactical Use of Machine Guns," May 1918; "The Employment of Machine Guns, Parts 1 & 2," January 1918. $20
US Army Artillery Manuals 1914-18
18 US Army WWI manuals concerning the use and employment of artillery: "4.7 Inch Howitzer Instruction Pamphlet," November 1916, "The Care of Army Material: Accidents of Fire," 1917; "Aerial Observation for Artillery," May 1918; "Artillery in Offensive Operations," 1917; "Development of Large Caliber, Mobile Artillery, and Machine Guns," November 1915; "Drill Regulations for 4.7-Inch Gun," 1914; "Drill Regulations for the 75 French Gun Model 1897, Volume III," September 1918; "Drill Regulations for the 155 Filloux Gun," January 1918; "Employment of Artillery in Trench Fighting," 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 4," July 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 6," July 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 8," January 1917; "Lecture on the Supply of Ammunition," September 1917; "Meteorological Elements Affecting Artillery," 1917; "Notes on Anti-Aircraft Guns," April 1917; "Probability and Dispersion of Fire," September 1917; "Provisional Drill Regulations for Field Artillery (75mm Gun)," August 1917; and "Use of Heavy Artillery," 1918. $20
US Army Division & Higher Formation Operations Manuals 1916-18
Twelve manuals: “Amendment to the Object and Conditions of a Combined Offensive Action” 1917; “Higher Formations in the Attack” 1917; “Instruction of the Offensive Action of Large Units in Battle” 1917; “Instructions on the Defensive Action of Large Units in Battle” 1918; “Notes on Recent Operations - Nos. 1, 3, and 4” 1918; “Provisional Regulations for Operation and Training of Division Trains” 1918; “The Division in Attack” 1918; “The Division in Defence” 1918; “The Training and Employment of Divisions” 1918, and British Army manual “Instructions for the Training of Divisions for Offensive Action” 1916. $15
Chemical Warfare Manuals 1914-18
Five US Army manuals and documents: 32-page manual “Notes on Gas as a Weapon in Modern Warfare,” 1917; 75-page manual “Defense Against Gas,” 1918; 44-page manual “Gas Warfare: The Offensive in Gas Warfare, Cloud and Projector Attacks,” 1918; 31 pages of various post-war memoranda produced by the US War Department concerning the early use of gas in 1914 and 1915, 1919-1926; and a 42-page manuscript titled “The History of Chemical Warfare,” undated, prepared by the US Army Chemical Warfare Service. $8
Various US Army Manuals 1917-18
Eleven manuals: “Staff Manual”, 1917, “Specimens of British Trench Orders” 1917, “Combat Instructions” 1918, “Landscape Sketching” 1917, “Notes on Signal and Illuminating Devices and the Apparatus for Projecting Them” 1917, “The Means of Communication between Aeroplanes and the Ground” 1917, “Telephone Listening-in Service” 1917, “Report on the Perception of Subterranean Sounds and the Plotting of Subterranean Work” 1917, “Instructions Concerning the Organization of a Line of Communication for Intensive Traffic” 1917, “Notes on Railroads and Mechanical and Wagon Transport” 1917, and British manual “Meterological Notes and Instructions for the Use of Observers” 1917. $15
US Army Motor, Tank, Cavalry & Infantry Equipment Used During WWI 1917-18
An eclectic collection of reports, photographs, and diagrams related to ordnance equipment used by the US Army in France during World War I. The files are grouped in sections including Motor Equipment; Tractors; Armored Tanks; Mobile Ordnance Repair Shops; American, St Chamond, Renault, and Schneider Artillery Caterpillars; Proposed Caterpillars, Armored Cars, and Gun Sleds; Cavalry Equipment, Horse Equipment, Hand Arms, Infantry Equipment, Trench Warfare Implements, Personal Protective Devices. This the first part of a larger collection of US Army Ordnance files that will be offered in the coming months. $10
US Army Trench Warfare & Machine Gun Equipment Used During WWI 1917-18
An eclectic collection of reports, photographs, and diagrams related to ordnance equipment used by the US Army in France during World War I. The files are grouped in sections including Hand and Rifle Grenades; Trench Mortars, Shells, and Fuses; German Trench Mortars; Thermo Gas Pot, Pyrotechnics; Chemical Apparatus; Flame and Smoke Projectors; Gas Warfare; Machine Gun Types, Equipment, and Fire Control; Semi-Automatic Rifles; 37mm Gun; Rifle Models Adopted and Comparative Characteristics; Small Arms Sights; Pistols and Revolvers; and Small Arms Ammunition. This the second part of a larger collection of US Army Ordnance files that will be offered in the coming months. $10
US Army Unit Histories
German Study of Artillery Attacks on Belgium & French Fortifications 1914
A 62-page German-language document titled "Denkschrift über die Ergebnisse der Beschießung der Festungen Lüttich, Namur, Antwerpen und Maubeuge sowie des Forts Manonviller im Jahre 1914," produced by the German Army in 1915 to study the effects of artillery fire on the fortifications at Liege, Namur, Antwerp, and Maubeuge in the first months of World War I. Includes numerous photographs and sketches and 11 maps. $8
German Coastal Defenses in Belgium 1916-18
Five documents concerning German Coastal Defenses in Belgium: an English-language translation of a 19-page French report titled "German Coastal Defenses in Belgium," dated 1916 that includes four sketches and diagrams and a map of the coastal defenses; a 139-page English-language US Army report on "Coast Defenses Constructed by the Germans on the Belgian Coast," dated December 1918 (unfortunately, all photographs and maps are missing from the report); an 8-page English-language US Army document titled "Engineering Features of German Seacoast Fortifications on Belgian Coast" that includes 24 field sketches; a 9-page French-language document titled "Defense des Cotes Organisee par les Allemands," dated 1917; and a 15-page French-language Belgian report titled "La Defense du Littoral Belge par les Allemands," dated 1918 that includes two maps and five pages of battery plans. Also included are 41 post-war photos of the fortifications and installations taken by the Allies after the Germans abandoned the coastal defenses. $10
French Fortifications During the War 1914-1918
A 98-page French-language instruction manual titled “La Fortification pendant la guerre 1914-1918” published by l’Ecole Militaire du Gene. The manual describes the evolution of French field and permanent fortifications during the war and how the French Army employed them, especially at Verdun. The manual also describes the effect of German artillery fire of the fortifications and includes several diagrams and tabular charts and four pull-out maps and diagrams. $15
Field Fortifications on the Western Front 1914-16
A 106-page book “Field Fortification: A Study of the Western Front in Europe 1914-1916” published by the Infantry Journal in 1917. The book has chapters on the general principles and classes of field fortifications; utilizing natural cover, profiles and execution of light field fortifications; trench weapons; and the organization of intrenched zones. The text is profusely illustrated with maps and diagrams. $8
American Expeditionary Forces’ Studies of Field Fortifications on the Western Front 1914-18
Three studies produced by the American Expeditionary Forces in 1919 concerning field fortifications of the Western Front: a 98-page study “Dugouts and Concrete Shelters” which reviews the development of shelter construction and the methods employed by engineers of the Allied and German armies, a 45-page report “German Tank Mines” that examines the various types of anti-tank mines and methods of employment used by the German Army, and a 13-page study “German Reinforced Concrete Shelters” that describes the construction and tactical disposition of troop shelters of the Hindenburg Line. Each study is well-illustrated with photographs and sketches. $15
Allied Field Fortification Manuals and Instructional Materials 1915-18
14 Allied documents concerning various aspects of field fortifications on the Western Front: French Army manuals (French-language) "La Fortification de Campagne," 1915; "Ecole de Sape," 1916; "Note Sur L'Etablissment des Nouvelles Organisations Defensives," 1917; and the excellent study of WWI fortifications "La Fortification Pendant le Guerre 1914-18"; British Army documents "Recent Practice in Trench Design," 1915; "Notes on Cover Against Shell Fire," 1916; "Field Fortifications and Demolitions," 1917; "Fortification Circular 18 - Strong Points," 1917; "Diagrams of Field Defences," 1918; US Army documents "Armored Demountable Shelters for Observers," 1916; "Deep Gallery Shelters," 1917; "Note on the Construction of Deep Gallery Shelters," 1917; "Wire Entanglements," 1918; and "Outline for Lectures on Field Fortifications." The documents include numerous charts and diagrams. $15
Aerial Warfare
Historical Studies of Anti-Aircraft Defense 1914-18
Two documents: a 213-page document prepared by the US Army War College titled "Anti-Aircraft Defense" detailing the development of aircraft, the results of aerial bombardment, and the development of anti-aircraft defense during World War I by Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, United States, and Japan. Discussion includes the topics of anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machine guns, airplanes, balloon barrages, command and control, communications, fire control, and listening devices. Included are several post-war memorandums concerning the organization of air defense units. A 21-page article prepared by an archivist at the Reichsarchiv titled "The Air War and the Home Territory of Germany." $15
US Army Air Service 1862-1923
Three documents: a 33-page study "History US Army Air Service 1862-1920" prepared by the Office of the Chief of the Air Service in 1920, a 77-page document "Tactical and Combat Operations of Pursuit and Bombardment Aviation of American Expeditionary Forces in France", dated 1925. The document includes much tabular data and several maps. A 30-page document titled "Redistribution of the Air Service" that details the demobilization of the Air Service after World War I. $10
Photograph Collections
Collier's Photographic Histories of the Great War
Two illustrated histories of World War I: the 144-page “Collier's Photographic History of the European War” published in 1916 and the 144-page “Collier's New Photographic History of the World's War” published in 1918. Together, the two volumes contain about 700 well-captioned photographs and sketches of all aspects of the war on the ground, sea, and air, although the preponderance of the photos concern the Western Front. $10
German Military Activities Photograph Collection 1914-18
477 jpeg images from two WWI photograph collections located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). "Photographs from the Rehse Archiv, 1914-1936." An eclectic collection of 364 photographs (scanned at 600 dpi) from the F.J.M. Rehse Archiv fuer Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik and confiscated by Allied authorities after the Second World War. Most of the photographs were taken during the First World War depicting German troops, especially troops from Bavaria, both in the front lines and rear areas. Includes images of prisoners-of-war, various important personalities, aerial photographs of villages behind French lines. Includes a panoramic of the Verdun battlefield from Hill 378 east of Louvement. Most photos are captioned and dated. Many photos were taken by Heinrich Hoffmann who was later became the official Nazi Party photographer. "Photographic Album of the Aus den Kampfen nordlich Verdun (The Fighting North of Verdun), 1916." Album of 113 photos (scanned at 800 dpi) prepared by Artillery Survey Section 25 of the Bavarian Foot Artillery, showing captured positions, trenches, bunkers, dugouts, street scenes, and buildings in and around the destroyed village of Haumont; ruined buildings in Brabant and Beaumont; artillery pieces in position about LeFay; German camps in Caures Wood and bunkers near Ville; artillery and tank positions near Herbebois; and French POWs. A map appears before each section which indicates the position where the corresponding numbered photographs were taken. All photographs are captioned in German. $12
German Aviation Photograph Collection 1917-18
160 jpeg images (600 dpi) of official WWI German photographs located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The collection contains photographs taken in1917 and 1918 depicting German military aviation, including observation balloons, anti-aircraft defenses, aviator’s equipment, bombs, aircraft machine guns and mounts, and training and operating procedures. The photographs are from two collections (Record Groups 165 GK and 165 GB) of official wartime photographs prepared by the German Air Force High Command, Kommandierender General der Luftstreitkraft (KOGENLUFT), and the Bild und Film Amt (Bureau of Pictures and Films, or BUFA). Each photograph includes caption data to include approximate data, location, and activity. $8
Italian Front Photograph Collection 1914-18
394 jpeg images (800 dpi) from two WWI photograph collections located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). "Austrian Military Activities on the Izonzo and Dalmatian Fronts, 1914-18" with 227 images loosely arranged by subject - artillery (51 images, including fortifications), aviation and anti-aircraft (3 images), cavalry (11 images), infantry (86 images), medical corps (9 images), and miscellaneous (67 images). The photographs may have been official Austrian photographs; many are marked "Korps Hoffmann" and captioned in English. "Italian Military Troops, Equipment, and Activities, 1918" with 167 images of troops on parade, in battle, and engaged in recreational activity; battlefields; and military equipment presumably taken by the Italian government. A few of the photographs are captioned. $10
German Army Study of Tank Action at Villers-Bretonneux April 25, 1918
German-language document titled "Bericht über Erfahrungen beim Einsatz der deutschen Panzerkraftwagen im Jahre 1918." The report produced by the US Army in 1932 is a certified copy of the original German Army document in the Reichsarchiv. It contains 161 pages of orders, war diary entries, and after-action comments from the various units involved in the operation. Includes four maps. Also included is a 161-page German-language study titled "The Employment of Tanks by Armies in the War 1914-18" (Verwendung strassenpanzerkraftwagen in den Herren das Weltkrieges 1914/18: Wo wird ihre Entwicklung beeinflusst?) concerning the employment and development of armored vehicles by various armies during WWI, eleven short English-language Allied intelligence reports concerning German tanks during the war, and a US Army Intelligence Report (with photos) on A7V Nixe. $15
German 1st Army War Diary, Belgium & France Aug-Sep 14
Two German-language documents concerning operations of the German 1st Army during the first two months of World War I: a 197-page copy of the 1st Army war diary produced by the US Army from records at the Reichsarchiv, and a 35-page article written by General von Kuhl titled "Die Marschbewegungen und die Versorgung der 1. Armee von Beginn der Operationen bis zum Rueckmarsch hinter die Aisne im August und September 1914" ("Movements and Communications of the 1st Army for Aug and Sept 1914"). The article includes a schematic of how lines of communication were organized, three sketches of how an army maneuvers its subordinate corps, and a map of 1st Army's retreat from the Marne. $10
German Occupation of Belgium 1914-18
A 15-page French-language document titled "L'Occupation Allemande en Belgique" written by the Belgian Army in March 1918. Topics covered in the document are zones of occupation, government and civil administration, the political department, administration of banks, military occupation, and defensive fortifications. $5
Campaign of the 9th German Army Against the Rumanians and Russians 1916-17
English-language translation of a two-part manuscript "The Campaign of the 9th German Army Against the Rumanians and Russians, 1916-17" by General of Infantry Erich Von Falkenhayn. Part I is a 54-page section titled "The Triumphal Progress Through Transylvania." Part II is an 81-page section titled "The Combat and Victories in Rumania." $10
Zwei Kriegsjahre einer ‘42cm’ Batterie 1914-16
142-page German-language book titled “Zwei Kriegsjahre einer '42 cm' Batterie” by Ferdinand Solf, commander of Kurze Marine-Kanone (KMK) 1, that bombarded French Fort Manonviller in 1914; the Russian fortresses at Osowiec and Kovno, the Serbian fortress at Semendria, the Dannemarie viaduct in France, and the citadel at Arras in 1915; and French forts at Verdun in 1916 with is two 42cm Gamma howitzers. $3
German Weapons & Tactics 1916-18
56 British War Office documents derived from translated material concerning German weapons and tactics. Most documents are short - 1 to 4 pages - and date from 1918. Included are: Anti-Tank Defence, British Gas Projector Bombardment of Ablainzevelle on the 18th June 1918, Camouflage, Comparative Effectiveness of Different Weapons, Directions for the Engagement of Pursuit Flights, Divisional Order for the Attack - Nr. 1, Employment of Battle Flights, Enemy Mines and Demolitions, Experience of the 1st German Army in the Somme Battle, Experience of the Recent Fighting at Verdun, Experiences of the IV German Corps in the Battle of the Somme during July 1916, Extracts from German Documents Dealing with Lessons Drawn From Battle of Somme; Extracts from the German Official Minenwerfer Textbook, Gas Bombardments, General Principles of the Construction of Field Positions, German 08-18 (Air-cooled) Light Machine Gun, German 1918 Pattern Automatic Pistol-Gun, German Anti-Aircraft Organization, German Artillery Tactics in the Offensive Battle in Trench Warfare, German Automatic Detonating Device, German Conventional Signs; German Message Shell, German Method of Overcoming Machine Gun Defence in Depth, German Methods in the Attack and Indications of an Offense, German Shells and Fuzes, German Streamline HE Field Gun Shell, German System of Squaring Maps, German Traps and Mines, Guidance for the Conduct of Every German Soldier Who is Taken Prisoner, Information Given by German Prisoners, Instructions for the Employment of Machine Guns in the Attack, Methods of Attack of the German Infantry, Methods of Surmounting the Machine Gun Zone, Minenwerfer, Miscellaneous Translated Notes; New German Rifle Grenade, Notes on the Break-Through for Bde, Regt, and Bn Commanders, Notes on the New Type Pfalz Scout (D.12) 1918, Photographs of German Guns (Serials 1-3), Principles of Artillery Support for Fighting in the Outpost Zone, Reports of German Formations Employed on the Somme 1916, Signal-Thrower, Special Instructions for Operation Michael, The 1917 German Long Delay Action Fuze For Demolition Purposes, The Artillery Aeroplane and the Artillery Balloon, The Attack of a Position in Warfare, The Construction of Defensive Positions, The Employment of Gas in a German Offensive, The Employment of Tanks Germans in the Attacks North and East of Reims, The German Tank Elfriede 1918, The Infantry Aeroplane and the Infantry Balloon, The Light Minenwerfer on Flat Trajectory Carriage, The New German 24-cm (9.45in) Heavy Flugelminenwerfer, Types of German Aircraft, Types of German Gas Shell and Labels on Shell Baskets, and Weapons of Close Combat. $20
German Tactics 1917-18
Five English-language manuals produced by the Allies during the war: a 47-page document titled "Notes on the German Army in the War" translated into English by the US Army from a French Army document that describes how the German Army created, mobilized, organized, and fielded units from 1914 to 1917; a 95-page document titled "Summary of Recent Information Regarding the German Army and Its Methods" produced by the British General Staff in 1917 that describes mine warfare, communications, armament and equipment, gas warfare, defense and offensive tactics, aviation, supply and transportation, maps, unit and higher headquarters organization, manpower, and medical services; a 71-page document titled "German Notes on Minor Tactics" produced by the US Army in 1917 that describes various aspects of artillery, intelligence, liaison, and employment of light machine guns; a 226-page document titled "German and Austrian Tactical Studies" that describes German and Austrian lessons learned and combat experiences in1917; and a 59-page document "A Survey of German Tactics, 1918" that surveys infantry, artillery, and aviation tactics during the campaign of 1918. The documents contain numerous charts and diagrams. $20
The German View of the Western Front 1916-18
16 German and English-language documents complied by the World War I Branch of the Historical Section, Army War College concerning experiences and lessons learned of the German Army on the Western Front from 1916-18. Included are: 38-page "5. Armee Auszüge aus den Kriegsakten über den Feldzug von Verdun 1916" (German); 86-page "5. Armee Erfahrungsberichte über Verdun 1916" (German); 44-page "5th German Army Lessons of the Verdun Battle 1916" (English); 30-page "5th German Army War Diary Extracts, Verdun 1916" (English); 27-page "Experience of the German 1st Army in the Somme Battle" (English); 2-page "German Army Experiences in Flanders and at Lens" (English); 25- page "Strategical Observations 1918" (English); 21-page "Considerations on the Major Offensive to be Launched Against the British and French in 1918" (English); 40-page "Defensive Operations in the Champagne, 26 Sep - 9 Oct 1918" (English); 2-page "The Americans in Attack" (English); 53-page "The Fight for the St. Mihiel Salient" English); 50-page "The Battle of the Argonne and the Meuse in the Autumn of 1918" (English); 163-page "Estimates of Strength, Capabilities & Combat Value of American Forces 1917-18" (German & English); 6-page "The Military Achievements of America in the World War" (English); 10-page "The Catastrophe of 1918" (English); 8-page "The Military Responsibilities for the German Collapse of 1918" (English). $20
First Person Account of WWI German U-Boat Service 1912-18
A 94-page English-language translation of "Six Years of Submarine Cruising" by Johannes Spiess, a Lieutnant in the German Navy who served on U-Boats from 1912, through the war, until the Armistice in 1918 and was, at war's end, the longest serving active submarine officer in the German Navy. Spiess commanded four U-Boats: the U9, U19, U52, and U135. His account provides many insights into the German U-Boat service. $10
WWI German Army Abbreviations and Map Symbols
Three useful reference documents: "Abkürzungen in Militärischen Akten" (Abbreviations in Military Documents), produced by the Reichsarchiv in1928, 91 pages; "Taktische Zeichen" (Tactical Symbols for Maps) produced by the Chief of the Kriegs Vermessungs Wesens, 1917, 35 pages; and "Official Abbreviations used in the German Army", produced by the US Army in1919, 4 pages. $10
Directory of German Army Operations Codenames 1917-18
A 69-page German-language document titled "Decknamen-Verzeichnis" that lists operations code names used by the German Army in 1917 and 1918. Each listed code name has a brief description of the operation. The document was compiled from Army High Command (OHL) and Corps files for reference use by researchers working at the Reichsarchiv. $10
German Evasions of the Military Provisions of the Treaty of Versailles
A 44-page document written by the US Army at the end of WWII in May 1944 to survey the methods used by the Germans to evade the fulfillment of the military, naval, and air clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. $8
French Army
French Artillery 1914-18
141-page French-language document titled “Cours Artillerie: Organization de Material, III Material Modernes,” dated September 1925 that describes pre-war, anti-aircraft, field, heavy and long-range, and railroad artillery of the French Army during World War I. Includes many technical sketches of the guns and their components. $10
British Army
Interpretation of Aeroplane Photographs 1917
The March 1917 (10 pages) and February 1918 (135 pages) editions of "Notes on the Interpretation of Aeroplane Photographs" issued by the British General Staff. This well-illustrated document includes more than 100 annotated aerial photographs for identifying trenches and wire, dug outs and mine shafts, machine guns, trench mortars, listening and observation posts, tracks, railways, buried cables and air lines, concrete structures, fortified shell holes, batteries. Each aerial photograph is accompanied by a diagram that annotates the key features in the photograph. $15
British Military Operations in France 1917-18
37 British government publications and British War Office records dating from 1917 and 1918 concerning the plans, operations, and tactics of British Armies in France. Included are the reference documents - Abbreviations Commonly Used by British Armies in France, Conventional Signs for British Maps, Synopsis of British Air Effort During the War, and The Official List of the Names of Battles During the Great War; operations documents - the First Army (Reports of Operations for the Lys Operation), Second Army (Report of Operations for the Lys Operation, Summary of Operations, July 1918), Third Army (Account of Operations for the Somme Defensive, Reports of Operations for the Advance in Picardy, Reports of Operations for the Somme Offensive, War Diary for the Somme Defensive), Fourth Army (Artillery Report in the Attack on the Hindenburg Line, Reports of Operations for the Advance in Picardy, Summary of Operations for the Advance in Picardy), Fifth Army (Summary of Operations and war Diary, March 1918) and a GHQ Report on the Somme Defensive, Mar - Apr 1918; tactics documents – Counter Battery Work, GHQ Artillery Circulars and Notes on Recent Operations, Notes on the Employment of the 4-in Stokes Mortar Bombs, Second British Army Study on the Use of Mortars, Technical Instructions for Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Sections in France, and Third Army Extracts from Routine Orders; order of battle documents - Army, Corps, and Division Headquarters Locations, 16 Sep 1918, Changes in the Number of German Infantry Divisions in the Western Theatre, Nov 1917 - Nov 1918, Monthly Index of German Infantry Divisions and Corps Staffs, July 1918, Order of Battle of British Armies in France, 1 February 1918, The Comparative Strength of German Armies on the Western Front in 1917; and two planning documents - GHQ Plan of Advance into Germany Second British Army Scheme of Defence Cologne Bridgehead. Note: Some of these documents are copies made by the US Army from the original British records for use as source material for the US history of the war. $20
British War Office Daily Intelligence Summaries Sep 17 - Jun 18
128 daily intelligence summaries published by the British War Office from September 1917 to June 1918 (with gaps). The summaries are dated Sep 7, 8, 10, 12-15, 17-22, 24-29; Oct 1, 2, 6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-30; Nov 1, 7, 10, 12-16, 19-24, 26; Dec 12; Jan 2-4, 25-26, 28-31; Feb 1, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-21, 27, 29; Apr 30; May 1-4, 6-8, 10, 11, 13-18, 21-25, 28, 30-31; Jun 1, 2-6, 25-27. The summaries average 3-4 pages and describe the military, political, and economic events of Germany and Austria-Hungary and Allied military activities on the Western, Eastern, Southern, Balkan, Palestine, Mesopotamian, and East African Theaters. $10
US Army
American Expeditionary Force Strategy & Operations 1917-18
A 36-page statement by Colonel George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the American Expeditionary Force, written in 1919 concerning the operations of American troops in France. Marshall succinctly explains what was planned, when and why it was planned, and what was accomplished and how. This short document provides an interesting overview of AEF operations as seen by senior AEF leaders and staff. $1
Allied Tank Studies & Reports 1916-18
Six documents: an 8-page A.F.V. Technical Intelligence Summary No. 1 produced by the British War Office, a 47-page report titled the "History of Tanks in the World War, 1914-18" produced by the US Army Tank School, a 189-page document titled "Paper on Development of Tanks" produced by the Tank, Tractor & Trailer Division of the US Army Ordnance Department, a 143-page document titled "Report on English Tanks" produced by the US Army Ordnance Department, and a document titled "Lecture on Tanks and Their Operations with the First American Army, at St. Mihiel Salient and in the Argonne", and a 3-page document with tabular data concerning losses of tanks and tank personnel. $20
French & US Tank Manuals 1917-18
Three tank manuals: a 42-page French manual "Instruction sur l'emploi des Chars D'Assault" dated December 1917 with English-Language translation "Instruction on the Employment of Tanks 1918", a 151-page French manual "Instruction Provisoire sur la Manoeuver des Unites des Chars Legers" dated 1918 with English-language translation "Provisional Instructions on the Employment of Light Tank Units 1918", and a 12-page American Expeditionary Forces manual "Tanks - Organization and Tactics 1918" dated December 1918. $12
US Tanks in WWI and Interwar Period 1916-39
Four documents from the US Army Office of the Chief of Ordnance that document the history and development of US tanks in WWI and the interwar period: "American Automotive Ordnance, 1919-1942," 129 pages; "Armored Combat Vehicles Through the Ages," 82 pages; "The Tank from WWI to 1939," 128 pages; and "The Tank to 1 September 1939," 51 pages. $10
US Army Small Unit Tactical Operations Manuals 1916-18
Twelve manuals: "Infantry in the Defense" 1917, "Scouting and Patrolling" 1917, "Notes on Infantry Raids and Attacks" 1917, "Notes on the Tactical Use of Foreground Illumination" 1917, "Instruction on Organization of the Ground" 1918, "Instructions for the Defensive Combat of Small Units" Part 1 1918, three versions of "Instructions for the Offensive Combat of Small Units" 1917 and 1918, two versions of the "Supplement to Instructions on the Offensive of Small Units" 1916 and 1918, "Instructions for the Training of Platoons for Offensive Action" 1917. $15
US Army Infantry Weapons Manuals 1917-18
16 US Army WWI manuals concerning the use and employment of infantry weapons: "Instructions for Assembling the Infantry Equipment Model of 1910," March 1912; "Close Combat Weapons," July 1917; "Manual of Arms - Care of the Rifle," September 1918; "Manual of the Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45 Model 1911," February 1918; "Manual for Hand Bombers and Rifle Grenadiers," February 1918; "Notes on the Automatic Time Fuse Grenade Model 1916," January 1918; "Notes on the Use of the Viven-Bessieres Rifle Grenade," August 1917; "Provisional Instruction on the Automatic Rifle Model 1915 (Chauchat)," August 1917; "Provisional Instructions for Indirect Fire of Machine Guns," October 1917; "Regulations for Machine Gun Companies," 1917; "Rifle and Hand Grenades," January 1917; "Light Trench Mortar Drill Regulations," December 1917; "Manual of the Automatic Rifle (Chauchat)," March 1918; "Instruction Concerning the Tactical Use of Machine Guns," May 1918; "The Employment of Machine Guns, Parts 1 & 2," January 1918. $20
US Army Artillery Manuals 1914-18
18 US Army WWI manuals concerning the use and employment of artillery: "4.7 Inch Howitzer Instruction Pamphlet," November 1916, "The Care of Army Material: Accidents of Fire," 1917; "Aerial Observation for Artillery," May 1918; "Artillery in Offensive Operations," 1917; "Development of Large Caliber, Mobile Artillery, and Machine Guns," November 1915; "Drill Regulations for 4.7-Inch Gun," 1914; "Drill Regulations for the 75 French Gun Model 1897, Volume III," September 1918; "Drill Regulations for the 155 Filloux Gun," January 1918; "Employment of Artillery in Trench Fighting," 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 4," July 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 6," July 1917; "Field Artillery Notes No. 8," January 1917; "Lecture on the Supply of Ammunition," September 1917; "Meteorological Elements Affecting Artillery," 1917; "Notes on Anti-Aircraft Guns," April 1917; "Probability and Dispersion of Fire," September 1917; "Provisional Drill Regulations for Field Artillery (75mm Gun)," August 1917; and "Use of Heavy Artillery," 1918. $20
US Army Division & Higher Formation Operations Manuals 1916-18
Twelve manuals: “Amendment to the Object and Conditions of a Combined Offensive Action” 1917; “Higher Formations in the Attack” 1917; “Instruction of the Offensive Action of Large Units in Battle” 1917; “Instructions on the Defensive Action of Large Units in Battle” 1918; “Notes on Recent Operations - Nos. 1, 3, and 4” 1918; “Provisional Regulations for Operation and Training of Division Trains” 1918; “The Division in Attack” 1918; “The Division in Defence” 1918; “The Training and Employment of Divisions” 1918, and British Army manual “Instructions for the Training of Divisions for Offensive Action” 1916. $15
Chemical Warfare Manuals 1914-18
Five US Army manuals and documents: 32-page manual “Notes on Gas as a Weapon in Modern Warfare,” 1917; 75-page manual “Defense Against Gas,” 1918; 44-page manual “Gas Warfare: The Offensive in Gas Warfare, Cloud and Projector Attacks,” 1918; 31 pages of various post-war memoranda produced by the US War Department concerning the early use of gas in 1914 and 1915, 1919-1926; and a 42-page manuscript titled “The History of Chemical Warfare,” undated, prepared by the US Army Chemical Warfare Service. $8
Various US Army Manuals 1917-18
Eleven manuals: “Staff Manual”, 1917, “Specimens of British Trench Orders” 1917, “Combat Instructions” 1918, “Landscape Sketching” 1917, “Notes on Signal and Illuminating Devices and the Apparatus for Projecting Them” 1917, “The Means of Communication between Aeroplanes and the Ground” 1917, “Telephone Listening-in Service” 1917, “Report on the Perception of Subterranean Sounds and the Plotting of Subterranean Work” 1917, “Instructions Concerning the Organization of a Line of Communication for Intensive Traffic” 1917, “Notes on Railroads and Mechanical and Wagon Transport” 1917, and British manual “Meterological Notes and Instructions for the Use of Observers” 1917. $15
US Army Motor, Tank, Cavalry & Infantry Equipment Used During WWI 1917-18
An eclectic collection of reports, photographs, and diagrams related to ordnance equipment used by the US Army in France during World War I. The files are grouped in sections including Motor Equipment; Tractors; Armored Tanks; Mobile Ordnance Repair Shops; American, St Chamond, Renault, and Schneider Artillery Caterpillars; Proposed Caterpillars, Armored Cars, and Gun Sleds; Cavalry Equipment, Horse Equipment, Hand Arms, Infantry Equipment, Trench Warfare Implements, Personal Protective Devices. This the first part of a larger collection of US Army Ordnance files that will be offered in the coming months. $10
US Army Trench Warfare & Machine Gun Equipment Used During WWI 1917-18
An eclectic collection of reports, photographs, and diagrams related to ordnance equipment used by the US Army in France during World War I. The files are grouped in sections including Hand and Rifle Grenades; Trench Mortars, Shells, and Fuses; German Trench Mortars; Thermo Gas Pot, Pyrotechnics; Chemical Apparatus; Flame and Smoke Projectors; Gas Warfare; Machine Gun Types, Equipment, and Fire Control; Semi-Automatic Rifles; 37mm Gun; Rifle Models Adopted and Comparative Characteristics; Small Arms Sights; Pistols and Revolvers; and Small Arms Ammunition. This the second part of a larger collection of US Army Ordnance files that will be offered in the coming months. $10
US Army Unit Histories
- 7th Division 1917-19: A 261-page unit history "History of the Seventh Division, United States Army 1917-19” that tells the story of the formation of the 7th Division, its departure overseas, and combat operations as part of the Second Army in October and November 1918. Note, one of the book's four large folding maps was missing and not scanned. $5
- 35th Division 1917-19 A 259-page unit history titled "Heroes of the Argonne: An Authentic History of the Thirty-Fifth Division” that tells the story of the division from its formation in Oklahoma in 1917, to its time in the Vosges and St. Mihiel salient, and its participation in the battle for the Argonne. Includes many maps, low-resolution photos, and a list of casualties. $5
- US 16th Tank Battalion (Light) 1918-1925 A 28-page history titled “The Sixteenth Tank Battalion, Camp Meade, Maryland” that briefly discusses early tank development, US Army tank units in World War I, and the history of the 16th Tank Battalion (Light) in France during the war and then at Camp Meade, Maryland in the 1920s. Includes a list of unit officers, NCOs, and soldiers in 1925. $3
- Company A, 301st Battalion, United States Tank Corps 1917-19: A 222-page unit history titled "A Co Tank 'Treated 'Em Rough' 301 BN. Tank Corps " that tells the story of the unit's battles in France. Includes many photos and several first-person accounts, and lots of data concerning the unit's combat experiences and losses. Note, the book's two panoramic photos are damaged or partially missing. $15
- 53rd Infantry Regiment, 6th Infantry Division 1917-18: A 45-page unit history titled "The Golden Chevron" that tells the story of the 53rd Infantry Regiment that fought in the Argonne offensive as part of the Sixth Division. Includes a roster of personnel assigned to the regiment. $2
German Study of Artillery Attacks on Belgium & French Fortifications 1914
A 62-page German-language document titled "Denkschrift über die Ergebnisse der Beschießung der Festungen Lüttich, Namur, Antwerpen und Maubeuge sowie des Forts Manonviller im Jahre 1914," produced by the German Army in 1915 to study the effects of artillery fire on the fortifications at Liege, Namur, Antwerp, and Maubeuge in the first months of World War I. Includes numerous photographs and sketches and 11 maps. $8
German Coastal Defenses in Belgium 1916-18
Five documents concerning German Coastal Defenses in Belgium: an English-language translation of a 19-page French report titled "German Coastal Defenses in Belgium," dated 1916 that includes four sketches and diagrams and a map of the coastal defenses; a 139-page English-language US Army report on "Coast Defenses Constructed by the Germans on the Belgian Coast," dated December 1918 (unfortunately, all photographs and maps are missing from the report); an 8-page English-language US Army document titled "Engineering Features of German Seacoast Fortifications on Belgian Coast" that includes 24 field sketches; a 9-page French-language document titled "Defense des Cotes Organisee par les Allemands," dated 1917; and a 15-page French-language Belgian report titled "La Defense du Littoral Belge par les Allemands," dated 1918 that includes two maps and five pages of battery plans. Also included are 41 post-war photos of the fortifications and installations taken by the Allies after the Germans abandoned the coastal defenses. $10
French Fortifications During the War 1914-1918
A 98-page French-language instruction manual titled “La Fortification pendant la guerre 1914-1918” published by l’Ecole Militaire du Gene. The manual describes the evolution of French field and permanent fortifications during the war and how the French Army employed them, especially at Verdun. The manual also describes the effect of German artillery fire of the fortifications and includes several diagrams and tabular charts and four pull-out maps and diagrams. $15
Field Fortifications on the Western Front 1914-16
A 106-page book “Field Fortification: A Study of the Western Front in Europe 1914-1916” published by the Infantry Journal in 1917. The book has chapters on the general principles and classes of field fortifications; utilizing natural cover, profiles and execution of light field fortifications; trench weapons; and the organization of intrenched zones. The text is profusely illustrated with maps and diagrams. $8
American Expeditionary Forces’ Studies of Field Fortifications on the Western Front 1914-18
Three studies produced by the American Expeditionary Forces in 1919 concerning field fortifications of the Western Front: a 98-page study “Dugouts and Concrete Shelters” which reviews the development of shelter construction and the methods employed by engineers of the Allied and German armies, a 45-page report “German Tank Mines” that examines the various types of anti-tank mines and methods of employment used by the German Army, and a 13-page study “German Reinforced Concrete Shelters” that describes the construction and tactical disposition of troop shelters of the Hindenburg Line. Each study is well-illustrated with photographs and sketches. $15
Allied Field Fortification Manuals and Instructional Materials 1915-18
14 Allied documents concerning various aspects of field fortifications on the Western Front: French Army manuals (French-language) "La Fortification de Campagne," 1915; "Ecole de Sape," 1916; "Note Sur L'Etablissment des Nouvelles Organisations Defensives," 1917; and the excellent study of WWI fortifications "La Fortification Pendant le Guerre 1914-18"; British Army documents "Recent Practice in Trench Design," 1915; "Notes on Cover Against Shell Fire," 1916; "Field Fortifications and Demolitions," 1917; "Fortification Circular 18 - Strong Points," 1917; "Diagrams of Field Defences," 1918; US Army documents "Armored Demountable Shelters for Observers," 1916; "Deep Gallery Shelters," 1917; "Note on the Construction of Deep Gallery Shelters," 1917; "Wire Entanglements," 1918; and "Outline for Lectures on Field Fortifications." The documents include numerous charts and diagrams. $15
Aerial Warfare
Historical Studies of Anti-Aircraft Defense 1914-18
Two documents: a 213-page document prepared by the US Army War College titled "Anti-Aircraft Defense" detailing the development of aircraft, the results of aerial bombardment, and the development of anti-aircraft defense during World War I by Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, United States, and Japan. Discussion includes the topics of anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machine guns, airplanes, balloon barrages, command and control, communications, fire control, and listening devices. Included are several post-war memorandums concerning the organization of air defense units. A 21-page article prepared by an archivist at the Reichsarchiv titled "The Air War and the Home Territory of Germany." $15
US Army Air Service 1862-1923
Three documents: a 33-page study "History US Army Air Service 1862-1920" prepared by the Office of the Chief of the Air Service in 1920, a 77-page document "Tactical and Combat Operations of Pursuit and Bombardment Aviation of American Expeditionary Forces in France", dated 1925. The document includes much tabular data and several maps. A 30-page document titled "Redistribution of the Air Service" that details the demobilization of the Air Service after World War I. $10
Photograph Collections
Collier's Photographic Histories of the Great War
Two illustrated histories of World War I: the 144-page “Collier's Photographic History of the European War” published in 1916 and the 144-page “Collier's New Photographic History of the World's War” published in 1918. Together, the two volumes contain about 700 well-captioned photographs and sketches of all aspects of the war on the ground, sea, and air, although the preponderance of the photos concern the Western Front. $10
German Military Activities Photograph Collection 1914-18
477 jpeg images from two WWI photograph collections located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). "Photographs from the Rehse Archiv, 1914-1936." An eclectic collection of 364 photographs (scanned at 600 dpi) from the F.J.M. Rehse Archiv fuer Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik and confiscated by Allied authorities after the Second World War. Most of the photographs were taken during the First World War depicting German troops, especially troops from Bavaria, both in the front lines and rear areas. Includes images of prisoners-of-war, various important personalities, aerial photographs of villages behind French lines. Includes a panoramic of the Verdun battlefield from Hill 378 east of Louvement. Most photos are captioned and dated. Many photos were taken by Heinrich Hoffmann who was later became the official Nazi Party photographer. "Photographic Album of the Aus den Kampfen nordlich Verdun (The Fighting North of Verdun), 1916." Album of 113 photos (scanned at 800 dpi) prepared by Artillery Survey Section 25 of the Bavarian Foot Artillery, showing captured positions, trenches, bunkers, dugouts, street scenes, and buildings in and around the destroyed village of Haumont; ruined buildings in Brabant and Beaumont; artillery pieces in position about LeFay; German camps in Caures Wood and bunkers near Ville; artillery and tank positions near Herbebois; and French POWs. A map appears before each section which indicates the position where the corresponding numbered photographs were taken. All photographs are captioned in German. $12
German Aviation Photograph Collection 1917-18
160 jpeg images (600 dpi) of official WWI German photographs located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The collection contains photographs taken in1917 and 1918 depicting German military aviation, including observation balloons, anti-aircraft defenses, aviator’s equipment, bombs, aircraft machine guns and mounts, and training and operating procedures. The photographs are from two collections (Record Groups 165 GK and 165 GB) of official wartime photographs prepared by the German Air Force High Command, Kommandierender General der Luftstreitkraft (KOGENLUFT), and the Bild und Film Amt (Bureau of Pictures and Films, or BUFA). Each photograph includes caption data to include approximate data, location, and activity. $8
Italian Front Photograph Collection 1914-18
394 jpeg images (800 dpi) from two WWI photograph collections located in the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). "Austrian Military Activities on the Izonzo and Dalmatian Fronts, 1914-18" with 227 images loosely arranged by subject - artillery (51 images, including fortifications), aviation and anti-aircraft (3 images), cavalry (11 images), infantry (86 images), medical corps (9 images), and miscellaneous (67 images). The photographs may have been official Austrian photographs; many are marked "Korps Hoffmann" and captioned in English. "Italian Military Troops, Equipment, and Activities, 1918" with 167 images of troops on parade, in battle, and engaged in recreational activity; battlefields; and military equipment presumably taken by the Italian government. A few of the photographs are captioned. $10