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We frequently add new products to our catalog. Our latest offerings are listed below.
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New for November 2024
WWII Allied Documents
Direction of German Military Operations from 1939 to Early 1941
63-page English-language translation of notes made by Helmut Greiner who kept the Kriegstagebuch (KTB) of the OKW Wehrmachtführungsstab from August 1939 to June 1943. The document gives a high-level picture of strategy and operations as seen from Hitler’s headquarters from the Polish Campaign in 1939 to Rommel’s First African Campaign in early 1941. Chapters include Polish Campaign (1939), Campaign in the West and North (1939-40), Proposed Invasion of England and Air Warfare (1940), Proposed Seizure of Gibraltar (1940-41), German Collaboration with Italy (1940-41), and Rommel’s First African Campaign (1940-41). $8
Axis Naval Policy & Operations In the Mediterranean 1939 - May 1943
159-page post-war US Navy Department document written by German Vice-Admiral Eberhard Weichhold, the German Admiral in Rome, that describes German naval policy in the Mediterranean from the time of Italy’s entry into the war until the defeat of German and Italian Armies in Tunisia. Includes charts about the disposition of Italian torpedo boats and destroyers, German and Italian cargo vessels sunk, and six maps, including one of Spanish Coastal Batteries covering the Straits of Gibraltar. $10
Analysis of German Naval Intelligence and the Normandy Invasion 1944
84-page report titled “German Naval Intelligence: A Report Based on German Documents” prepared by the US Office of Naval Intelligence in 1946. The report covers several aspects the organization and operations of German anti-invasion intelligence based upon documents located in the German Naval Archives and interrogation of German Naval officers. The report details the means used by the German military to gather intelligence about the Allied invasion and the conclusions drawn from that intelligence. The report has three parts: Organization of German Armed Forces and Naval Intelligence, Naval Intelligence and the Normandy Invasion, and D-Day and After Evaluation of German Intelligence. $9
US Campaign Strategy in Western Europe 1944-45
111-page post-war study titled “Strategy of the Campaign in Western Europe 1944-1945” produced United States Forces, European Theater that describes the strategic considerations that underlaid the Allied campaign in Western Europe during 1944-45, both as planned and as actually executed, from the viewpoint of the commanders in the field. The study contains insightful discussions of why certain courses of action were chosen over others. A few sections of the document were redacted by physically cutting some paragraphs out of the document, but the redactions do not impact the usefulness or interest of the study. The study’s chapters are: The Securing of the Initial Lodgment Area, The Advance to Germany, The Crossing of the Rhine and Envelopment of the Ruhr, Advance to Meet the Soviet Forces, and Conclusion of the Campaign. Included are ten strategic level maps. $10
Allied Technical Investigative Reports 1944-45
Technical investigative reports produced by the Allied Combined Intelligence Committee Sub-committee (CIOS) concerning German military and civil technology, engineering, and industries during and immediately following World War II. The reports were written by various Allied intelligence agencies on a wide variety of subjects. Report lengths vary from just a few pages to more than 100 pages, and sometimes contain diagrams, charts, and low-resolution photographs. Information in the reports is often very technical and specific. These two parts are the first two of six. Future parts will be Artillery, Aviation, Naval, Miscellaneous Reports.
The Libyan Campaign Nov 41- Jul 42
Two brief campaign studies produced by the US War Department’s Military Intelligence Service titled “The Libyan Campaign, November 1941 to January 1942” (40 pages) and “The Libya Campaign, May 27 to July 27 1942” (29 pages). Both studies contain maps, diagrams, and orders of battle. $5
US 66th Infantry Division 1943-45
110-page “History of the 66th ‘Black Panther’ Division” written by the division. The document describes the division’s formation and training, movement overseas and entry into combat in Europe, campaign against the port cities, surrender of German forces, occupation duty in Germany, and redeployment to the United States. The division's main role was to contain and eliminate of pockets of Germans resistance in northwestern France around the port cities of Lorient, St. Nazaire, Royan and La Rochelle. The document includes several narrative accounts of individual soldier’s actions in combat, a list of division personnel who were decorated for outstanding actions and services, and a roster of key officers. $6
WWII Photograph Collections
Hoffmann Photograph Collection Part 17- 1936
Images of Hitler attending various party activities in Weimar on the 10th anniversary of the first party day, a motorcycle race, Max Schmeling, athletes training for the Olympic games in Berlin, views of the Olympic Stadium and grounds, changing of the SS-Guard at the Reichs Chancellery, various street scenes of Berlin, training at the Hitler Youth motor sport school, a party march in Bayreuth, German WWI veterans’ delegation at Verdun, preparations for the Olympics, Japanese delegation honoring the dead at the war memorial in Berlin, Hitler and Goering visiting a Luftwaffe unit, Hitler with a wedding party, Olympic sports competitions, art and culture exhibitions, a Wagner festival and grave in Bayreuth, German soldiers swim training with gear, a military parade in Berlin, Charles Lindberg with General Milch and Goering, the arrival of various Olympic teams in Berlin, an auto race at the Nuerburgring, the Berlin Zoo, the opening of an S-Bahn station in Berlin, a Hitler Youth camp, a runner with the Olympic torch, scenes of a Kraft durch Freude village, Hitler with diplomats at the Reichs Chancellery, the Olympic opening ceremony, the Olympic reception and ball, the opening of a section of Autobahn near Berlin, and glider flying at the Wasserkuppe (Hanna Reitsch). Images of senior officials such as Blomberg, Borman, Funck, Frick, Goering, Goebbels, Hess, Hitler, Himmler, Ley, Milch, von Mackensen, Udet, Sauckel, and Streicher. $25
Hoffmann Photograph Collection Part 18 - 1936
Images of a Wehrmacht ceremony and parade in Potsdam; the world chess tournament in Munich; Hitler with foreign guests at the Reichs Chancellery; Reichsarbeitsdienst camp activities; construction of the party rally grounds in Nuremberg; construction of the exhibition hall in Berlin; a radio exhibition in Berlin; construction of the Berghof in Berchtesgaden; Hitler’s visit to the Nuremberg party rally grounds; Goebbels’ trip to Italy; preparations for the Reichs Party Day in Nuremberg; Hitler inspecting the Reichs Chancellery SS-Guard; ceremonies and activities of the Reichs Party Day in Nuremberg; parades in the Nuremberg and on the party grounds by the Reichsarbeitsdienst, Hitler Youth, SS, and Wehrmacht; meetings; speeches; standard consecrations; panzer, infantry, artillery, and aircraft maneuvers; cultural and sport demonstrations; standard consecrations of the Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK), aircraft over Nuremberg; Wehrmacht artillery and infantry training; British WWI veterans at the Berlin war memorial; Hitler’s visit and review of a Wehrmacht maneuver; Hitler Youth in Venice; a demonstration of the “Trippel” Schwimwagen; the ceremony marking the 1,000th kilometer Autobahn; induction of Reichsarbeitsdienst personnel, a demonstration by the Panzer troops; and the launching of the armored cruiser Scharnhorst. Images of senior officials such as Axmann, Blomberg, Goering, Goebbels, Hess, Hitler, Himmler, Ley, Lutze, von Mackensen, Papen, Raeder Rosenberg, Shirach, and Speer. $25
Captured German Records
German Military Situation Maps: Occupation of Czechoslovakia 15-18 Mar 39
4 maps from the Operations Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) that detail the military occupation of Czechoslovakia from 15-18 March 39. The maps are 1:1,000,000 scale and were scanned in color at 1,200 dpi. $4
German Military Situation Maps: Sicily, Corsica, & Sardinia Jul-Oct 43
43 maps from the Operations Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) that detail the disposition and movements of German forces in Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia from Jul to Oct 43. Maps vary in scale from 1:200,000 to 1:500,000 and cover the following dates: Sicily - 5, 12 - 17,19-28, 30, 31 Jul, 43; 1, 3-15 Aug 43; one map with no date, and a map of the “Defenses of the Straits of Messina” with no date; Corsica - 5 Jul, 1& 2 Oct 43; and Sardinia 5 Jul 43 and three maps with note dates. Maps were scanned in color at 1,200 dpi. $15
T-78 Roll 941: OKH Panzer Grenadier & Motorcycle Officer Personnel Card File 1939-45
2,408 images of a card file arranged by rank (major through general) and alphabetically for commanders of panzer-grenadier and motorcycle units, giving name, rank, branch of service, date of birth, date of rank, awards, training, and assignments. The roll contains cards for major, Abel through Zwierzynski; lieutenant colonel, Adam through Ziervogel; colonel, Abel through Zollenkopf; and general, Arenstorff through Waldenburg von. $25
T-78 Roll 943: OKH Engineer Officer Promotion Card File 1939-45
3,368 images of an alphabetically arranged card file on promotions of engineer officers (Abberger through Zwick), giving name, date and place of birth, date of entry into military service, branch of service, training, evaluations, assignments, and
promotions. $25
T-78 Roll 945: OKH Signal Officer Promotion Card File 1939-45
3,044 images of an alphabetically arranged card file on promotions of signal officers (Abee through Zweig), giving name, date and place of birth, date of entry into service, branch of service, civilian occupation, training, and assignments. $25
T-283 Roll 70: Flak Equipment Manuals 1940-44
713 images of Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise, Behandeln (Description, Operation, Handling) manuals for the 9 cm Flak M 39 (f), Okt 43; Geschützwagen IV (Eisb.) schwere Flak, Dez 43; Treibgasanlage, Juli 42; Flakscheinwerferanlage 200 cm 40B, Aug 42; Entfernungsmesser 1,25 m Raumbild 42, Mai 44; Kommandogerät 40, Jan 43; Kommandoechner, Dez 41; Flakaufnahme u. Auswertegeräte (Teil 6 Rechenschieber); Sept 42; Flakaufnahme u. Auswertegeräte (Teil 7); Jan 42; Flak-Vo-Messgerät, Jan 43; Goerz-Richtungshörer. Mai 44; Flakhilfsrichtgerät 42, Nov 44; m.gl.Lkw. oder m.Lkw (o), Okt 40; Sperrdrachen 37, Sep 40; Sperrballonwinde 37, Mai 42; Sperrseil, Juli 41; Erdrolle, Sept 44; Sperrballonwinde 41, Marz 43; Füllgeräte, April 43; Sperrballon 200 cbm u. 77 cbm, Okt 43; Spulwinde 41. Okt 44; and Beladeplan f. Messtrupp Kw. I u. II, Apr 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-283 Roll 154: Small Arms, Crew Served Weapons & Other Manuals 1928-44
731 images of manuals for Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 1 Waffe), Aug 41; Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 1 Waffe), Sept 43; Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 2 MGLafette 34), Marz 43; Maschinenpistole 40 und 38 (Teil 2 Einzelteile), Nov 40; Leichter Panzerkampfwagen M 2 (a), Juli 42; 2 cm Kampfwagenkanone 38 (Teil 1 Waffe), Feb 41; Gewehr 41 (Tiel 1), May 41; Tornisterfunkgerät g, Frequenzprüfgerät G, u. Prüfgerät TFuG G, Marz 44; Karabiner 43 und Karabiner 43 mit Zielfernrohr K 43 ; Dez 44; 7,5 cm Kanone 51 (Sf) u. 7,5 cm Kanone 51/1 (Sf), Juli 44; Der Summer-Telegraph 40, Nov 42; Radschlepper FAMO Typ XL u.XS, Gleisklettenschlepper FAMO Typ Boxer und Rülbezahl. Mar 43; Kraftfahrzeuge im Winter, Okt 40; Tornisterfunkgeräts C, Jan 39; Mittlerer geranzerter Mannschaftstransportkraftwagen (Sd.Kfz. 251), Mar 40, Aug 44; Vorläufige Unleitung fur das Instandsetzen des Granatwerfergeräts, Jun 38; Verzeichnis der Waffentechnischen D-Vorschriften, Dec 39; 30 cm Nebelwerfer 42 Gerätbeshreibung und Bedienungsanleitung, Aug 43; Umleitung für die Ausbildung am l.Gr.W. 34 (8 cm), Jul 37; Umleitung für die Ausbildung am l.Gr.W. 36 (5 cm), Jul 37; Maschinenkarabiner 42 (W), Feb 43; Vorläufige Unweisungen für die Ausbidung von Panzereinheiten (Teil 1 Formen und Berwegungen), Dez 37; Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Kurzwellen-Empfängers a, Jan 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 632: 16th Army War Diary, Eastern Front Oct 43 - Oct 44
1,399 images of the logistics staff assessment of the supply situation, 1 Aug - 1 Oct 44, correspondence concerning forward supply depots, 9 Oct 43 - 17 Oct 44; correspondence concerning rear area supply installations, 1 Jul -10 Aug 44; correspondence and directives concerning supplying the fortified cities of Polosk, Dunaburg, Rositten and Opotschka, 1 Feb - 7 Jul 44; correspondence and tables concerning supplying bases at Riga, Dunaburg, Borowucha and Idriza, 17 Apr - 8 Oct 44; reports and correspondence on supply problems during the evacuation Riga and withdrawal to Kurland, 15 Sep - 18 Oct 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 633: 16th Army War Diary, Eastern Front Apr 43 - Oct 44
1,181 images of documents concerning the reclassification of supply and guard battalions, 24 Apr - 12 Sep 43 and 14 Feb 44; directives, correspondence and tables concerning dispersal, evacuation or destruction of supplies, equipment and supply depots, 29 Jun - 8 Aug 44; administrative activity reports, Jul-Oct 44; operations activity reports, 16 Jul - 15 Oct 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 738: 17th Army War Diary, Russia Oct-Dec 43
1,300 images of the logistics staff’s war diary with daily messages from Army Group and OKH, 16-31 Dec 43; maps of supply unit locations, 5 Nov - 5 Dec 43; special supply orders and logistics activity reports, 18 Oct - 30 Dec 43; operations war diary with plans, situation estimates, and orders of battle, 10 Oct - 31 Dec 43; orders for Operation "Michael" (i.e. the evacuation of the Crimea), 19-31 Oct 43. $25
T-312 Roll 1309: 2nd Army War, Poland, France, Balkans, & Russia 1939-1944
908 images of directives, orders, reports, and correspondence from OKH containing tables of organization and equipment, and information concerning the reorganization of armored and infantry divisions, Oct 39 - Dec 42; directives, reports and memorandums of the Sixth Air Force, 4 Mar - 7 May 44; directives and reports concerning training, winter warfare, strength reports, and organization and reorganization of units, Jul 41 - Jun 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 1523: 7th Army War Diary, France Jul-Dec 40
1,028 images of orders concerning security, air raid protective measures, training, unit activation and movement, an order of battle chart, map with unit locations, and a booklet titled “Coastal Battle,” Aug-Dec 40; order of battle and situation maps, Jul-Dec 40; intelligence activity reports, 5 Jul - 31 Dec 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 1524: 7th Army War Diary, France May-Dec 40
657 images of war diary of the Führungsabteilung, 9 May - 31 Dec 40; activity report of the signal officer, 30 Jun - 31 Dec 40; activity report of the army’s chief or engineers with order of battle charts and maps, 29 Jul - 30 Dec 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-313 Roll 75: 1st Panzer Army War Diary, Russia Jun-Jul 44
1,379 images of reports concerning supply problems during the encirclement at Kamenez-Podolsk and the re-equipping of units after the breakthrough, 2 Mar - 30 Jun 44; subordinate unit activity reports, 1 Jan - 30 Jun 44; statistical reports on supplies, expenditures and losses, 7 Jan - 1 Jul 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-313 Roll 275: 3rd Panzer Army War Diary, Russia Jan-Sep 43
989 images of reports on secret police and counter-intelligence activities, Apr-Jun 43; propaganda leaflets and reports concerning German troop morale, 22 Jan - 30 Jun 43; censorship activity reports, prisoner-of-war interrogations, and enemy propaganda, 11 Mar - 23 Jul 43; issues of newspaper ‘Panzerfaust’ Feb-Jun 43; activity report concerning chemical warfare, training, and equipment, 19 Jan - 30 Jun 43; intelligence activity reports, Jul-Sep 43; reports concerning enemy tactical ground and air situations, artillery, unit organization and movements, losses, propaganda, and partisan activity, maps showing disposition of enemy units, 2 Jul - 3 Sep 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 306: 6th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jun 41 - Mar 42
1,539 images of documents concerning routine supply matters, 25 Jun - 10 Dec 41; operations war diary, 1 Oct 41 - 31 Mar 42; special supply orders, 2 Oct 41 - 26 Mar 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1042: 68th Infantry Division, Russia May-Sep 42
1,464 images of operations reports, orders, directives, order of battle charts, table of organization, after action reports, messages, and maps; 1 May - 17 Aug 42; intelligence reports concerning enemy operations, unit identification, losses, partisan warfare, and tactical dispositions, and intelligence bulletins and overlays, May-Sep 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1096: 78th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jun-Dec 41
1,112 images of operations after action reports with maps and corps order of battle charts, 22 Jun - 11 Dec 41; and division orders, reports, and messages, 18 Jun - 16 Aug 41. $25
T-315 Roll 1157: 90th Light Division War Diary, North Africa Apr-Dec 42
1,130 images of operations orders, reports, directives, messages, and estimates of the situation, Apr-Dec 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1803: 257th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia May-Oct 41
1,033 images of operations orders, messages, maps, order-of-battle charts, status reports, intelligence bulletins, and casualty reports, 15 May - 16 Oct 41. $25
T-315 Roll 1804: 257th Infantry Division War Diairy, Russia Jun 41 - Jan 42
1,082 images of operations orders, messages, maps, and orders of battle chart, and status reports, 16 Oct - 12 Dec 41; casualty and strength reports, 8 Jun - 11 Dec 41; intelligence reports, 21 May - 12 Dec 41; corps and division orders 10 Jun - 12 Dec 41; operations war diary, 13 Dec 41 - 6 Aug 42; orders, messages, maps and overlays, an after action critique relating to the winter campaign of the division,12 Dec 41 - 17 Jan 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1846: 268th Infantry Division War Diary, Western & Eastern Fronts 1939-41
1,265 images of operations orders, messages, and maps, 7 Sep 39 - 4 Jul 40; orders and maps concerning movement to Epinal and then Poland, and preparations for the invasion of Russia, 6 Sep 40 – 24 May 41. Many documents were damaged by fire but are generally readable. $25
T-315 Roll 2081: 333rd Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Feb-Nov 43
1,167 images of operations war diary with reports, strength reports, and maps, 7 Feb - 28 Nov 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 2082: 333rd Infantry Division Wat Diary, Russia Mar-Nov 43
811 images of corps’ orders and a report concerning combat operations, 10 Sep - 12 Nov 43; division orders, 9 Mar -14 Oct 43; daily operations reports, 1 Jul - 12 Oct 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 2083: 333rd Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jan-Dec 43
452 images of daily teletype messages and reports, maps, 17 Jul - 13 Dec 43; periodic status reports, 1 Jul - 10 Oct 43; maps and organization charts, Jul-Nov 43; war diary of the supply branch, Jan-Jun 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $15
T-315 Roll 2154: 369th Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia Aug 42 - Jun 43
1,581 images of activity reports of the operations, intelligence, and personnel branches concerning the activation of the division and its transfer to Yugoslavia 22 Aug - 31 Dec 42; and operations war diary with situation maps 17 Dec 42 - 30 Jun 43. $25
T-315 Roll 2170: 373rd Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia May 43 - Aug 43
696 images of operations war diary concerning activation of the division, its transfer to Yugoslavia, and security and anti-partisan operations, 1 May - 17 Aug 43. $15
T-315 Roll 2171: 373rd Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia Aug 43 - Jan 44
1,167 images of operations war diary for security and anti-partisan operations, 17 Aug 43 - 1 Jan 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2175: Admiral Commanding the Channel Coast 1940-44
1,007 images of war diary of Admiral Commanding the Channel Coast, various periods from Aug 40 - June 42 & 8 Jun - 24 Sep 44 (includes operations during the Allied invasion of Normandy). $25
T-1022 Roll 2230: Commanders North Sea & Channel Coast Artillery War Diaries Aug 44- Feb 45
866 images of war diary of Commander North Sea, 1 Aug - 31 Oct 44; 16 Dec 44 - 15 Jan 45; 1
-15 Feb 45; and war diary of Commander of Coastal Artillery, Channel Coast, Jan-Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2241: Commanders Brunsbuettel & Cuxhaven War Diaries 1939-45
391 images of war diary of the Commander of the Brunsbuettel Sector, 1 Jul 43 - 15 Jan 45; and war diary of the Commander of the Cuxhaven Sector, 28 Aug 39 - 15 Apr 40. $10
T-1022 Roll 2422: Naval Command Group West & Channel Island War Diaries 1940-44
868 images of Naval Command Group West Sea Lion files with aerial photographs of Belgian & French port harbors with invasion craft, reports on air raids on Lorient, 26 & 29 Jan 43; war diaries of the Commanders of Guernsey and Jersey, 16 Jul - 31 Dec 42; war diary of the Commander of Alderney, Apr 42 - Jan 43; and war diaries of Commander of Channel Islands Sea Defense, 16 Jul - 31 Dec 42 & 1943, 1 Jan - 15 Oct 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2427: Naval Commander of North France War Diary Jun 40 - Jan 41
864 images of Naval Command Group West war diary, Apr 41 - Oct 42; Naval Commander of North France war diary, Jun 40 - Jan 41. $25
T-1022 Roll 2496: Various Naval Group Command Italy War Diaries Aug 42 Jan 44
966 images of various war diaries of Naval Group Command Italy for Transport Division North Africa, Oct-Nov 42 and 6th R-Boat Flotilla, Aug-Sep 42; and war diary of Port Director of Genoa, 25 Apr - 31 Jul 43, 1-15 Aug 43, 16 Sep - 31 Dec 43 & Feb - Jun 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2512: Naval Group Command Italy War Diary Nov-Dec 42
874 images of Naval Group Command Italy war diary concerning ship transport to North Africa, 3 Nov 42 - 31 Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2515: Commander Sea Transport Naples War Diary 1942
875 images of war diary of Commander for Sea Transport Naples, 23 Jan 42 - 29 Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2596: Miscellaneous Files 1937-38 & 1941
779 images of Navy High Command Baltic files concerning war games held in 1937 & 38, war diary of Commander Eastern Baltic, 30 Apr - 21 Jul 41. $25
T-1022 Roll 2621: Various Naval Group Command East War Diaries 1940-44
884 images of Naval Group Command East war diaries concerning Baltic approaches concerning the prevention of Norwegian blockade breakers, Aug 40 - Jul 42; Naval Group Command East war dairy for mine sweeping and escort duties, 27 Jul - 15 Sep 44; Naval Group Command East war dairy for Sea Defense “R,” Jul 42 - Jan 44; and Commander of Eastern Baltic Coast war diary, 1-15 Aug 40. $25
T-1022 Roll 2624: Various Eastern Baltic War Diaries Feb 44 - Jan 45
717 images of Commander Naval Defense Estonia war diary, 8 Feb - 15 Aug 44; Commander Sea Defense Reval, 30 Jun 41 - 7 Feb 44; war dairy for Sea Defense “R,” 1 Jul 41 - 15 Feb 44; and war diary of the Commander of the Eastern Baltic, 17 Jun 44 - 15 Jan 45. $25
T-1022 Roll 2625: Eastern Baltic War Diaries 1942-45
787 images of war diary of the Commander of the Eastern Baltic, 15 Jun 44 - Jan 45 and war diary volumes I & II of coastal defense activities in the Eastern Baltic, Mar 42 - Mar 43. $25
T-1022 Roll 2626: Eastern & Western Baltic War Dairies Mar 42 - Jul 43
894 images of war diary volume III of coastal defense activities in the Eastern Baltic, Mar 42 - Mar 43, war diary volume III of coastal defense activities in the Western Baltic, 16 Nov 42 - 31 Jul 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
WWII Allied Documents
Direction of German Military Operations from 1939 to Early 1941
63-page English-language translation of notes made by Helmut Greiner who kept the Kriegstagebuch (KTB) of the OKW Wehrmachtführungsstab from August 1939 to June 1943. The document gives a high-level picture of strategy and operations as seen from Hitler’s headquarters from the Polish Campaign in 1939 to Rommel’s First African Campaign in early 1941. Chapters include Polish Campaign (1939), Campaign in the West and North (1939-40), Proposed Invasion of England and Air Warfare (1940), Proposed Seizure of Gibraltar (1940-41), German Collaboration with Italy (1940-41), and Rommel’s First African Campaign (1940-41). $8
Axis Naval Policy & Operations In the Mediterranean 1939 - May 1943
159-page post-war US Navy Department document written by German Vice-Admiral Eberhard Weichhold, the German Admiral in Rome, that describes German naval policy in the Mediterranean from the time of Italy’s entry into the war until the defeat of German and Italian Armies in Tunisia. Includes charts about the disposition of Italian torpedo boats and destroyers, German and Italian cargo vessels sunk, and six maps, including one of Spanish Coastal Batteries covering the Straits of Gibraltar. $10
Analysis of German Naval Intelligence and the Normandy Invasion 1944
84-page report titled “German Naval Intelligence: A Report Based on German Documents” prepared by the US Office of Naval Intelligence in 1946. The report covers several aspects the organization and operations of German anti-invasion intelligence based upon documents located in the German Naval Archives and interrogation of German Naval officers. The report details the means used by the German military to gather intelligence about the Allied invasion and the conclusions drawn from that intelligence. The report has three parts: Organization of German Armed Forces and Naval Intelligence, Naval Intelligence and the Normandy Invasion, and D-Day and After Evaluation of German Intelligence. $9
US Campaign Strategy in Western Europe 1944-45
111-page post-war study titled “Strategy of the Campaign in Western Europe 1944-1945” produced United States Forces, European Theater that describes the strategic considerations that underlaid the Allied campaign in Western Europe during 1944-45, both as planned and as actually executed, from the viewpoint of the commanders in the field. The study contains insightful discussions of why certain courses of action were chosen over others. A few sections of the document were redacted by physically cutting some paragraphs out of the document, but the redactions do not impact the usefulness or interest of the study. The study’s chapters are: The Securing of the Initial Lodgment Area, The Advance to Germany, The Crossing of the Rhine and Envelopment of the Ruhr, Advance to Meet the Soviet Forces, and Conclusion of the Campaign. Included are ten strategic level maps. $10
Allied Technical Investigative Reports 1944-45
Technical investigative reports produced by the Allied Combined Intelligence Committee Sub-committee (CIOS) concerning German military and civil technology, engineering, and industries during and immediately following World War II. The reports were written by various Allied intelligence agencies on a wide variety of subjects. Report lengths vary from just a few pages to more than 100 pages, and sometimes contain diagrams, charts, and low-resolution photographs. Information in the reports is often very technical and specific. These two parts are the first two of six. Future parts will be Artillery, Aviation, Naval, Miscellaneous Reports.
- Tank & Vehicle Reports: 33 technical reports: Evaluation Report 354 - Development Armored Fighting Vehicles; II-13, XI-2, 3 Vehicle Targets Visited Sep-Nov 44; X-7, 8 & 9 German Vehicle Production in the Paris Area; X-11 Vehicle Development in Holland, France, & Belgium; XI-4 & XII-14 The Peugeot Organisation; XXIV-6 Gas Turbine Development, BMW, Junkers, Daimler Benz; XXIX-16 German Rolled Armor, XXIX-25 German Practice on Suspension & Running Gear for Tanks; XXIX-56 Suspension Unit for Tanks Type E 50-75; XXIX-57 Development of Submerged Wading for Tanks; XXIX-58 German Tank Design Trends; XXVII-25 Waggonfabrik Verdingen AG Krefeld-Verdingen; XXVII-30 Repair of Damage to Armor Structures; XXVII-47 Interrogation of Dr. Steile von Heydekampf President of Panzer Kommission; XXVII-75 Electrical Induction of Face Hardening of Thick Armour Plate; XXVII-78 German Cast Armor; XXVII-99 The Manufacture of Homogeneous Light Armor; XXVIII-3 Translation of German Progress Report on Development of the E-100 Tank; XXVIII-46 Automotive Target Group in 12th Army Group Area; XXX-9 Survey of Operations of Group V Automotive CAFT in 6th Army Group; XXX-11 Gas-Proofing of Tanks; XXX-117 Development & Production of Tungsten Carbide Cores for Armour Piercing Shot by Krupp; XXXII-2 Tank Development at Machinenfabrik Augsburg & Nurnberg; XXXII-30 Development of Tank Design Skoda Works, Pilsen; XXXII-32 Laboratory for the Study of Tracked Vehicles, M.A.N. Factory, Nuremberg; XXXII-33 Tank Development at the Daimler-Benz Factory Berlin-Marienfelde; XXXII-34 Stabilized Optical Sight for German Tank Guns; XXXII-35 Development of New Series German Tanks up to End of March 1945; XXXII-57 Gun Fire Control Equipment; XXXII-62 Maybach HL234 Tank Engine; XXXIII-7 Z.A. Hydraulic Steering for the Panther Tank; XXXIII-10 German Research & Development in Tank Armour Welding; and XXXIII-28 Inspection Methods & Procedure on German AFV Manufacture. $25
- Artillery Reports: 22 technical reports: XXIX-20 Development of the German Waffentrager (Weapons Carrier); XXV-3 Rheinmetall-Borisg Werke, Unterlass; XXV-8 Land and Air Service Fire Control Instruments, Carl Zeis & Others, Jena; XXVI-6 Proximity Fuze Development Rheinmetall-Borsig A.G., Mulhausen; XXVI-65 Findings on German Proximity Fuze Developments in !2 Army Group Area; XXVII-10 Hanomag, Hanover; XXVII-27 Recoilless Guns Development of Rheinmetall-Borsig; XXVII-65 The Rheinmetal Borsig Works & Proving Grounds Unterluss; XXVII-74 The Proving Ground, Hillersleben; XXVII-79 Rheinmetall-Borsig A.G. Dusseldorf; XXVIII-68 Friedrich Krupp A.G. Ranges Meppen; XXX-52 Rheinmetall-Borsig Sommerda; XXXI-12 Artillery Design and Development Performed by Rheimetall-Borsig A.G; XXXI-18 Interrogation of Dr. Waninger; XXXI-19 German Electric Time Fuzes Rheinmetall-Borsig A.G., Breslau; XXXI-63 Development of Weapons by Rheinmetall-Borsig; XXXI-70 Skoda Works, Pilsen, Czechoslovakia; XXXII-17 German Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft Gunnery Training Targets; XXXII-57 Gun Fire Control Equipment; XXXII-63 Variable Speed Hydraulic Drive for Remote Control of 5.5cm Flak 58; XXXII-71 German 8.6 Centimetre Rockets; and XXXII-72 Standard German Projectile Fuses. $25
The Libyan Campaign Nov 41- Jul 42
Two brief campaign studies produced by the US War Department’s Military Intelligence Service titled “The Libyan Campaign, November 1941 to January 1942” (40 pages) and “The Libya Campaign, May 27 to July 27 1942” (29 pages). Both studies contain maps, diagrams, and orders of battle. $5
US 66th Infantry Division 1943-45
110-page “History of the 66th ‘Black Panther’ Division” written by the division. The document describes the division’s formation and training, movement overseas and entry into combat in Europe, campaign against the port cities, surrender of German forces, occupation duty in Germany, and redeployment to the United States. The division's main role was to contain and eliminate of pockets of Germans resistance in northwestern France around the port cities of Lorient, St. Nazaire, Royan and La Rochelle. The document includes several narrative accounts of individual soldier’s actions in combat, a list of division personnel who were decorated for outstanding actions and services, and a roster of key officers. $6
WWII Photograph Collections
Hoffmann Photograph Collection Part 17- 1936
Images of Hitler attending various party activities in Weimar on the 10th anniversary of the first party day, a motorcycle race, Max Schmeling, athletes training for the Olympic games in Berlin, views of the Olympic Stadium and grounds, changing of the SS-Guard at the Reichs Chancellery, various street scenes of Berlin, training at the Hitler Youth motor sport school, a party march in Bayreuth, German WWI veterans’ delegation at Verdun, preparations for the Olympics, Japanese delegation honoring the dead at the war memorial in Berlin, Hitler and Goering visiting a Luftwaffe unit, Hitler with a wedding party, Olympic sports competitions, art and culture exhibitions, a Wagner festival and grave in Bayreuth, German soldiers swim training with gear, a military parade in Berlin, Charles Lindberg with General Milch and Goering, the arrival of various Olympic teams in Berlin, an auto race at the Nuerburgring, the Berlin Zoo, the opening of an S-Bahn station in Berlin, a Hitler Youth camp, a runner with the Olympic torch, scenes of a Kraft durch Freude village, Hitler with diplomats at the Reichs Chancellery, the Olympic opening ceremony, the Olympic reception and ball, the opening of a section of Autobahn near Berlin, and glider flying at the Wasserkuppe (Hanna Reitsch). Images of senior officials such as Blomberg, Borman, Funck, Frick, Goering, Goebbels, Hess, Hitler, Himmler, Ley, Milch, von Mackensen, Udet, Sauckel, and Streicher. $25
Hoffmann Photograph Collection Part 18 - 1936
Images of a Wehrmacht ceremony and parade in Potsdam; the world chess tournament in Munich; Hitler with foreign guests at the Reichs Chancellery; Reichsarbeitsdienst camp activities; construction of the party rally grounds in Nuremberg; construction of the exhibition hall in Berlin; a radio exhibition in Berlin; construction of the Berghof in Berchtesgaden; Hitler’s visit to the Nuremberg party rally grounds; Goebbels’ trip to Italy; preparations for the Reichs Party Day in Nuremberg; Hitler inspecting the Reichs Chancellery SS-Guard; ceremonies and activities of the Reichs Party Day in Nuremberg; parades in the Nuremberg and on the party grounds by the Reichsarbeitsdienst, Hitler Youth, SS, and Wehrmacht; meetings; speeches; standard consecrations; panzer, infantry, artillery, and aircraft maneuvers; cultural and sport demonstrations; standard consecrations of the Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK), aircraft over Nuremberg; Wehrmacht artillery and infantry training; British WWI veterans at the Berlin war memorial; Hitler’s visit and review of a Wehrmacht maneuver; Hitler Youth in Venice; a demonstration of the “Trippel” Schwimwagen; the ceremony marking the 1,000th kilometer Autobahn; induction of Reichsarbeitsdienst personnel, a demonstration by the Panzer troops; and the launching of the armored cruiser Scharnhorst. Images of senior officials such as Axmann, Blomberg, Goering, Goebbels, Hess, Hitler, Himmler, Ley, Lutze, von Mackensen, Papen, Raeder Rosenberg, Shirach, and Speer. $25
Captured German Records
German Military Situation Maps: Occupation of Czechoslovakia 15-18 Mar 39
4 maps from the Operations Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) that detail the military occupation of Czechoslovakia from 15-18 March 39. The maps are 1:1,000,000 scale and were scanned in color at 1,200 dpi. $4
German Military Situation Maps: Sicily, Corsica, & Sardinia Jul-Oct 43
43 maps from the Operations Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) that detail the disposition and movements of German forces in Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia from Jul to Oct 43. Maps vary in scale from 1:200,000 to 1:500,000 and cover the following dates: Sicily - 5, 12 - 17,19-28, 30, 31 Jul, 43; 1, 3-15 Aug 43; one map with no date, and a map of the “Defenses of the Straits of Messina” with no date; Corsica - 5 Jul, 1& 2 Oct 43; and Sardinia 5 Jul 43 and three maps with note dates. Maps were scanned in color at 1,200 dpi. $15
T-78 Roll 941: OKH Panzer Grenadier & Motorcycle Officer Personnel Card File 1939-45
2,408 images of a card file arranged by rank (major through general) and alphabetically for commanders of panzer-grenadier and motorcycle units, giving name, rank, branch of service, date of birth, date of rank, awards, training, and assignments. The roll contains cards for major, Abel through Zwierzynski; lieutenant colonel, Adam through Ziervogel; colonel, Abel through Zollenkopf; and general, Arenstorff through Waldenburg von. $25
T-78 Roll 943: OKH Engineer Officer Promotion Card File 1939-45
3,368 images of an alphabetically arranged card file on promotions of engineer officers (Abberger through Zwick), giving name, date and place of birth, date of entry into military service, branch of service, training, evaluations, assignments, and
promotions. $25
T-78 Roll 945: OKH Signal Officer Promotion Card File 1939-45
3,044 images of an alphabetically arranged card file on promotions of signal officers (Abee through Zweig), giving name, date and place of birth, date of entry into service, branch of service, civilian occupation, training, and assignments. $25
T-283 Roll 70: Flak Equipment Manuals 1940-44
713 images of Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise, Behandeln (Description, Operation, Handling) manuals for the 9 cm Flak M 39 (f), Okt 43; Geschützwagen IV (Eisb.) schwere Flak, Dez 43; Treibgasanlage, Juli 42; Flakscheinwerferanlage 200 cm 40B, Aug 42; Entfernungsmesser 1,25 m Raumbild 42, Mai 44; Kommandogerät 40, Jan 43; Kommandoechner, Dez 41; Flakaufnahme u. Auswertegeräte (Teil 6 Rechenschieber); Sept 42; Flakaufnahme u. Auswertegeräte (Teil 7); Jan 42; Flak-Vo-Messgerät, Jan 43; Goerz-Richtungshörer. Mai 44; Flakhilfsrichtgerät 42, Nov 44; m.gl.Lkw. oder m.Lkw (o), Okt 40; Sperrdrachen 37, Sep 40; Sperrballonwinde 37, Mai 42; Sperrseil, Juli 41; Erdrolle, Sept 44; Sperrballonwinde 41, Marz 43; Füllgeräte, April 43; Sperrballon 200 cbm u. 77 cbm, Okt 43; Spulwinde 41. Okt 44; and Beladeplan f. Messtrupp Kw. I u. II, Apr 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-283 Roll 154: Small Arms, Crew Served Weapons & Other Manuals 1928-44
731 images of manuals for Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 1 Waffe), Aug 41; Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 1 Waffe), Sept 43; Maschinengewehr 34 (Teil 2 MGLafette 34), Marz 43; Maschinenpistole 40 und 38 (Teil 2 Einzelteile), Nov 40; Leichter Panzerkampfwagen M 2 (a), Juli 42; 2 cm Kampfwagenkanone 38 (Teil 1 Waffe), Feb 41; Gewehr 41 (Tiel 1), May 41; Tornisterfunkgerät g, Frequenzprüfgerät G, u. Prüfgerät TFuG G, Marz 44; Karabiner 43 und Karabiner 43 mit Zielfernrohr K 43 ; Dez 44; 7,5 cm Kanone 51 (Sf) u. 7,5 cm Kanone 51/1 (Sf), Juli 44; Der Summer-Telegraph 40, Nov 42; Radschlepper FAMO Typ XL u.XS, Gleisklettenschlepper FAMO Typ Boxer und Rülbezahl. Mar 43; Kraftfahrzeuge im Winter, Okt 40; Tornisterfunkgeräts C, Jan 39; Mittlerer geranzerter Mannschaftstransportkraftwagen (Sd.Kfz. 251), Mar 40, Aug 44; Vorläufige Unleitung fur das Instandsetzen des Granatwerfergeräts, Jun 38; Verzeichnis der Waffentechnischen D-Vorschriften, Dec 39; 30 cm Nebelwerfer 42 Gerätbeshreibung und Bedienungsanleitung, Aug 43; Umleitung für die Ausbildung am l.Gr.W. 34 (8 cm), Jul 37; Umleitung für die Ausbildung am l.Gr.W. 36 (5 cm), Jul 37; Maschinenkarabiner 42 (W), Feb 43; Vorläufige Unweisungen für die Ausbidung von Panzereinheiten (Teil 1 Formen und Berwegungen), Dez 37; Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Kurzwellen-Empfängers a, Jan 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 632: 16th Army War Diary, Eastern Front Oct 43 - Oct 44
1,399 images of the logistics staff assessment of the supply situation, 1 Aug - 1 Oct 44, correspondence concerning forward supply depots, 9 Oct 43 - 17 Oct 44; correspondence concerning rear area supply installations, 1 Jul -10 Aug 44; correspondence and directives concerning supplying the fortified cities of Polosk, Dunaburg, Rositten and Opotschka, 1 Feb - 7 Jul 44; correspondence and tables concerning supplying bases at Riga, Dunaburg, Borowucha and Idriza, 17 Apr - 8 Oct 44; reports and correspondence on supply problems during the evacuation Riga and withdrawal to Kurland, 15 Sep - 18 Oct 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 633: 16th Army War Diary, Eastern Front Apr 43 - Oct 44
1,181 images of documents concerning the reclassification of supply and guard battalions, 24 Apr - 12 Sep 43 and 14 Feb 44; directives, correspondence and tables concerning dispersal, evacuation or destruction of supplies, equipment and supply depots, 29 Jun - 8 Aug 44; administrative activity reports, Jul-Oct 44; operations activity reports, 16 Jul - 15 Oct 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 738: 17th Army War Diary, Russia Oct-Dec 43
1,300 images of the logistics staff’s war diary with daily messages from Army Group and OKH, 16-31 Dec 43; maps of supply unit locations, 5 Nov - 5 Dec 43; special supply orders and logistics activity reports, 18 Oct - 30 Dec 43; operations war diary with plans, situation estimates, and orders of battle, 10 Oct - 31 Dec 43; orders for Operation "Michael" (i.e. the evacuation of the Crimea), 19-31 Oct 43. $25
T-312 Roll 1309: 2nd Army War, Poland, France, Balkans, & Russia 1939-1944
908 images of directives, orders, reports, and correspondence from OKH containing tables of organization and equipment, and information concerning the reorganization of armored and infantry divisions, Oct 39 - Dec 42; directives, reports and memorandums of the Sixth Air Force, 4 Mar - 7 May 44; directives and reports concerning training, winter warfare, strength reports, and organization and reorganization of units, Jul 41 - Jun 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 1523: 7th Army War Diary, France Jul-Dec 40
1,028 images of orders concerning security, air raid protective measures, training, unit activation and movement, an order of battle chart, map with unit locations, and a booklet titled “Coastal Battle,” Aug-Dec 40; order of battle and situation maps, Jul-Dec 40; intelligence activity reports, 5 Jul - 31 Dec 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-312 Roll 1524: 7th Army War Diary, France May-Dec 40
657 images of war diary of the Führungsabteilung, 9 May - 31 Dec 40; activity report of the signal officer, 30 Jun - 31 Dec 40; activity report of the army’s chief or engineers with order of battle charts and maps, 29 Jul - 30 Dec 40. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-313 Roll 75: 1st Panzer Army War Diary, Russia Jun-Jul 44
1,379 images of reports concerning supply problems during the encirclement at Kamenez-Podolsk and the re-equipping of units after the breakthrough, 2 Mar - 30 Jun 44; subordinate unit activity reports, 1 Jan - 30 Jun 44; statistical reports on supplies, expenditures and losses, 7 Jan - 1 Jul 44. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-313 Roll 275: 3rd Panzer Army War Diary, Russia Jan-Sep 43
989 images of reports on secret police and counter-intelligence activities, Apr-Jun 43; propaganda leaflets and reports concerning German troop morale, 22 Jan - 30 Jun 43; censorship activity reports, prisoner-of-war interrogations, and enemy propaganda, 11 Mar - 23 Jul 43; issues of newspaper ‘Panzerfaust’ Feb-Jun 43; activity report concerning chemical warfare, training, and equipment, 19 Jan - 30 Jun 43; intelligence activity reports, Jul-Sep 43; reports concerning enemy tactical ground and air situations, artillery, unit organization and movements, losses, propaganda, and partisan activity, maps showing disposition of enemy units, 2 Jul - 3 Sep 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 306: 6th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jun 41 - Mar 42
1,539 images of documents concerning routine supply matters, 25 Jun - 10 Dec 41; operations war diary, 1 Oct 41 - 31 Mar 42; special supply orders, 2 Oct 41 - 26 Mar 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1042: 68th Infantry Division, Russia May-Sep 42
1,464 images of operations reports, orders, directives, order of battle charts, table of organization, after action reports, messages, and maps; 1 May - 17 Aug 42; intelligence reports concerning enemy operations, unit identification, losses, partisan warfare, and tactical dispositions, and intelligence bulletins and overlays, May-Sep 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1096: 78th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jun-Dec 41
1,112 images of operations after action reports with maps and corps order of battle charts, 22 Jun - 11 Dec 41; and division orders, reports, and messages, 18 Jun - 16 Aug 41. $25
T-315 Roll 1157: 90th Light Division War Diary, North Africa Apr-Dec 42
1,130 images of operations orders, reports, directives, messages, and estimates of the situation, Apr-Dec 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1803: 257th Infantry Division War Diary, Russia May-Oct 41
1,033 images of operations orders, messages, maps, order-of-battle charts, status reports, intelligence bulletins, and casualty reports, 15 May - 16 Oct 41. $25
T-315 Roll 1804: 257th Infantry Division War Diairy, Russia Jun 41 - Jan 42
1,082 images of operations orders, messages, maps, and orders of battle chart, and status reports, 16 Oct - 12 Dec 41; casualty and strength reports, 8 Jun - 11 Dec 41; intelligence reports, 21 May - 12 Dec 41; corps and division orders 10 Jun - 12 Dec 41; operations war diary, 13 Dec 41 - 6 Aug 42; orders, messages, maps and overlays, an after action critique relating to the winter campaign of the division,12 Dec 41 - 17 Jan 42. $25
T-315 Roll 1846: 268th Infantry Division War Diary, Western & Eastern Fronts 1939-41
1,265 images of operations orders, messages, and maps, 7 Sep 39 - 4 Jul 40; orders and maps concerning movement to Epinal and then Poland, and preparations for the invasion of Russia, 6 Sep 40 – 24 May 41. Many documents were damaged by fire but are generally readable. $25
T-315 Roll 2081: 333rd Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Feb-Nov 43
1,167 images of operations war diary with reports, strength reports, and maps, 7 Feb - 28 Nov 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 2082: 333rd Infantry Division Wat Diary, Russia Mar-Nov 43
811 images of corps’ orders and a report concerning combat operations, 10 Sep - 12 Nov 43; division orders, 9 Mar -14 Oct 43; daily operations reports, 1 Jul - 12 Oct 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20
T-315 Roll 2083: 333rd Infantry Division War Diary, Russia Jan-Dec 43
452 images of daily teletype messages and reports, maps, 17 Jul - 13 Dec 43; periodic status reports, 1 Jul - 10 Oct 43; maps and organization charts, Jul-Nov 43; war diary of the supply branch, Jan-Jun 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $15
T-315 Roll 2154: 369th Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia Aug 42 - Jun 43
1,581 images of activity reports of the operations, intelligence, and personnel branches concerning the activation of the division and its transfer to Yugoslavia 22 Aug - 31 Dec 42; and operations war diary with situation maps 17 Dec 42 - 30 Jun 43. $25
T-315 Roll 2170: 373rd Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia May 43 - Aug 43
696 images of operations war diary concerning activation of the division, its transfer to Yugoslavia, and security and anti-partisan operations, 1 May - 17 Aug 43. $15
T-315 Roll 2171: 373rd Infantry Division War Diary, Yugoslavia Aug 43 - Jan 44
1,167 images of operations war diary for security and anti-partisan operations, 17 Aug 43 - 1 Jan 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2175: Admiral Commanding the Channel Coast 1940-44
1,007 images of war diary of Admiral Commanding the Channel Coast, various periods from Aug 40 - June 42 & 8 Jun - 24 Sep 44 (includes operations during the Allied invasion of Normandy). $25
T-1022 Roll 2230: Commanders North Sea & Channel Coast Artillery War Diaries Aug 44- Feb 45
866 images of war diary of Commander North Sea, 1 Aug - 31 Oct 44; 16 Dec 44 - 15 Jan 45; 1
-15 Feb 45; and war diary of Commander of Coastal Artillery, Channel Coast, Jan-Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2241: Commanders Brunsbuettel & Cuxhaven War Diaries 1939-45
391 images of war diary of the Commander of the Brunsbuettel Sector, 1 Jul 43 - 15 Jan 45; and war diary of the Commander of the Cuxhaven Sector, 28 Aug 39 - 15 Apr 40. $10
T-1022 Roll 2422: Naval Command Group West & Channel Island War Diaries 1940-44
868 images of Naval Command Group West Sea Lion files with aerial photographs of Belgian & French port harbors with invasion craft, reports on air raids on Lorient, 26 & 29 Jan 43; war diaries of the Commanders of Guernsey and Jersey, 16 Jul - 31 Dec 42; war diary of the Commander of Alderney, Apr 42 - Jan 43; and war diaries of Commander of Channel Islands Sea Defense, 16 Jul - 31 Dec 42 & 1943, 1 Jan - 15 Oct 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2427: Naval Commander of North France War Diary Jun 40 - Jan 41
864 images of Naval Command Group West war diary, Apr 41 - Oct 42; Naval Commander of North France war diary, Jun 40 - Jan 41. $25
T-1022 Roll 2496: Various Naval Group Command Italy War Diaries Aug 42 Jan 44
966 images of various war diaries of Naval Group Command Italy for Transport Division North Africa, Oct-Nov 42 and 6th R-Boat Flotilla, Aug-Sep 42; and war diary of Port Director of Genoa, 25 Apr - 31 Jul 43, 1-15 Aug 43, 16 Sep - 31 Dec 43 & Feb - Jun 44. $25
T-1022 Roll 2512: Naval Group Command Italy War Diary Nov-Dec 42
874 images of Naval Group Command Italy war diary concerning ship transport to North Africa, 3 Nov 42 - 31 Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2515: Commander Sea Transport Naples War Diary 1942
875 images of war diary of Commander for Sea Transport Naples, 23 Jan 42 - 29 Dec 42. $25
T-1022 Roll 2596: Miscellaneous Files 1937-38 & 1941
779 images of Navy High Command Baltic files concerning war games held in 1937 & 38, war diary of Commander Eastern Baltic, 30 Apr - 21 Jul 41. $25
T-1022 Roll 2621: Various Naval Group Command East War Diaries 1940-44
884 images of Naval Group Command East war diaries concerning Baltic approaches concerning the prevention of Norwegian blockade breakers, Aug 40 - Jul 42; Naval Group Command East war dairy for mine sweeping and escort duties, 27 Jul - 15 Sep 44; Naval Group Command East war dairy for Sea Defense “R,” Jul 42 - Jan 44; and Commander of Eastern Baltic Coast war diary, 1-15 Aug 40. $25
T-1022 Roll 2624: Various Eastern Baltic War Diaries Feb 44 - Jan 45
717 images of Commander Naval Defense Estonia war diary, 8 Feb - 15 Aug 44; Commander Sea Defense Reval, 30 Jun 41 - 7 Feb 44; war dairy for Sea Defense “R,” 1 Jul 41 - 15 Feb 44; and war diary of the Commander of the Eastern Baltic, 17 Jun 44 - 15 Jan 45. $25
T-1022 Roll 2625: Eastern Baltic War Diaries 1942-45
787 images of war diary of the Commander of the Eastern Baltic, 15 Jun 44 - Jan 45 and war diary volumes I & II of coastal defense activities in the Eastern Baltic, Mar 42 - Mar 43. $25
T-1022 Roll 2626: Eastern & Western Baltic War Dairies Mar 42 - Jul 43
894 images of war diary volume III of coastal defense activities in the Eastern Baltic, Mar 42 - Mar 43, war diary volume III of coastal defense activities in the Western Baltic, 16 Nov 42 - 31 Jul 43. Roll digitized by Digital History Archive. $20