WWII Fortifications
These DVDs contain color scans of documents at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Text pages were scanned at 240 dpi, charts & maps at 400 dpi, and photographs at 600 dpi. All images are JPEG files.
These DVDs contain color scans of documents at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Text pages were scanned at 240 dpi, charts & maps at 400 dpi, and photographs at 600 dpi. All images are JPEG files.
Please note: There are also many documents about fortifications in the WWII German Records Section of this catalog.
Report on German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater, Volumes 1-7
Seven volume technical series titled "German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater" prepared by the Seacoast Artillery Evaluation Board, United States Forces, European Theater. This series details the organization, tactics, operations, training, engineering construction, armament, ammunition, gunnery, fire control, communications, and underwater defenses of the Atlantic Wall, with special emphasis on the defenses of Norway. The volumes contain much technical data and are profusely illustrated with photographs, plans, and maps. $20
Report on Selected German Coastal Batteries in France May 1946
142 jpeg images of a post-war British Ministry of Defense study of the nature, layout, and effectiveness of German Atlantic Wall coastal artillery batteries at Le Havre, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Ile de Re, Mouth of the Gironde River, Sete, Marseilles, and Toulon. Includes 14 maps, 19 charts and drawings, and 86 photographs. $15
German Coastal Artillery Batteries 1944
Several documents about German coast artillery to include two pre-Normandy invasion planning and intelligence files with various documents and memoranda containing data about coastal batteries in the Normandy area; a 34-page document dated May 1944 listing coastal batteries bombed prior to D-Day, the date of the last attack, total tons dropped on each target and an estimate of bomb damage; and a six-page document prepared by the British Military College of Science titled "Preliminary Report on German Coast Artillery Fire Control Equipment," dated February 1945. The documents include several maps and diagrams and four aerial photographs. $15
Atlantic Wall Coastal Battery Lists: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, & France 1944-45
A series of intelligence documents produced by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) G-2 listing Atlantic Wall coastal artillery batteries (and some coastal radar stations) in northern Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of France - Ault-River Authie, Bremerhaven-Wesermunde, Callantsoog-Egmund-Aan-Zee, Channel Islands, Cuxhaven, Delfzijl, Delfzijl-Emden, Den Helder, Dunkerque-Ostende, East Schouen Hook-West Kapelle, German Frisian Islands, Gironde Estuary, Ile D' Oleron & Ile de Re, Hook-Hague, Hook-Ijmuiden, Ijmuiden, Ijmuiden-Den Helder, Ijmuiden-Zaandvoort, La Rochelle & La Pallice, Pte D'Ailly-Ault, River Authie-Boulogne, River Maas, Schouwen Island, Walcheren and N & S Beveland, West Frisian Islands, West Schouwen Flushing-Antwerp, and Wilhelmshaven. Each list is in tabular form and includes place name, map reference number, latitude & longitude, category and number of guns, along with additional information on the artillery and emplacements. $20
Report on Beach & Coastal Defenses in the Cherbourg Area 1944
A 70-page report titled "The COHQ Special Observer Party Report on Beach and Coastal Defenses in the Cherbourg Area" that details German infantry strongpoints and gun batteries on the Cherbourg Peninsula. The document includes 53 medium-resolution photos of beach and coastal defenses, seven copies of German infantry strongpoint fire plans, a landscape sketch of an infantry strongpoint, and a map of strongpoints and artillery batteries in Cap de la Hague area. $8
US Army 29th Infantry Division Report on the Defenses of Brest September 1944
A 27-page after action report produced by the US 29th Infantry Division concerning the capture of German fortifications at Brest and the Le Conquet Peninsula, France. The document consists of a series of detailed maps that depict the forts, strongpoints, and gun positions attacked by the 29th Infantry Division. Each map is accompanied by a short text description of the combat action. $8
Camouflage of German Fortifications Along the Southern Coast of France 1944
A 75-page US 7th Army document titled "Coast of France Fortifications with Respect to Camouflage" prepared by the 84th Engineers that details the German use of camouflage in strong points where the 7th Army made its landings in southern France during Operation Dragoon. The document contains diagrams of 24 strong points, 150 photographs (some are faded) of features in the stongpoints, and a map showing the location of the strongpoints. $15
Maps of German Coastal Defense Batteries in Southern France 1944
Two “BIGOT” maps of German coastal defense batteries along the southern coast of France. The maps were used for Operation Dragoon. Each map is loaded with data concerning the location and armament of the artillery batteries. The maps were scanned at high resolution. Together the two maps cover the French coast from Marseilles to Nice. $10
The Effects of Bombardment on Coastal Fortifications of Saint Mandrier 1944
A photographic report produced by the US Eight Fleet on the effectiveness of aerial bombardment and naval gunfire against German coastal fortifications located on the peninsula of Saint Mandrier. The peninsula blocked the approach to Toulon harbor and was heavily bombarded during Operation Dragoon in mid-August 1944. The report contains two pages of text, including tabular data concerning the fortifications; two diagrams; and 86 stunning ground and aerial photographs that show the extent of the damage inflicted on the German artillery batteries, defensive positions, and support installations. $10
Report on German Concrete Fortifications Sep-Oct 1944
244 images of a declassified US Army study titled "Report on German Concrete Fortifications," prepared by the Office of Chief of Engineers, Headquarters, European Theater of Operations. This document describes German defenses, camouflage of concrete fortifications, common types of fortifications and strong points (with 62 detailed diagrams), and the effect of artillery fire on German concrete fortifications in Normandy. Includes appendices on beach and costal defenses in the Cherbourg area and the effect of artillery fire during the assault on St. Malo, and a map showing the location of all strong points studied in the report. The report also includes numerous photographs, but because the original document at NARA is a photocopy, the photographs are poor quality. Pages were scanned at 300 dpi. The map was scanned at 800 dpi. $15
German Defenses of the Western Front 1945
Two photograph intelligence reports produced by the US Army. The reports are the 34-page "German Defenses, Western Front, Vol. 1: AA Artillery" and 16-page "German Defenses, Western Front, Vol. 2: AT Defense." Both documents contain numerous aerial and ground photographs and diagrams of German defensive positions. $10
Bunker and Fortification Intelligence Notes 1944-45
240 jpeg images of six Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) G-2 "Ground Checking Notes." Each document is a short photographic study that examines captured German defenses. The purpose of the studies was to assist photo interpreters in identifying Germany defensive installations. Each is illustrated with aerial photographs, ground photographs, plans and sketches of various field and concrete fortifications. The documents are: No 1, Siegfried Line (Westwall) around Aachen and Canal Defenses in Holland: Roadblocks, obstacles, and pillboxes in the Aachen area, and a short description of canal defenses southeast of Zwartbroek and a mortar position near Leveroij, Holland. 21 Pages. No 2, Siegfried Line (Westwall) East of Geilenkirchen and Field Fortifications in Holland: Exterior and interior features of blockhouses and a mortar positions east of Geilenkirchen, Germany and various field fortifications and dummy positions in Holland. 22 Pages. No 3, Fortress of Le Havre: Concrete works and permanent artillery positions at Le Havre and between along the coast between La Havre and Fecamp, France. Includes a comparison of pre-D Day intelligence with the armament and state of the sites after capture by the Allies and a map overlay of all defenses in the La Havre area. 65 Pages. No 4, Defenses of Severne Gap and Saales Area, France: Field works, obstacles, concrete positions, and decoy firing positions. 40 Pages. No 5, Defenses of the Reichswald Area: Field defenses and artillery and Flak positions near Reichswald and Siegfried Line (Westwall) defenses near Cleve, Germany. Includes a diagram of the German defenses, an underwater bridge near Abbeville, France and a destroyed radar station near Braunsrath, Germany. 37 Pages. No 6, Flak and Anti-Tank Sites. Positions at Venlo, Holland and Bruggen, Udem, Xanten, and Dusseldorf, Germany. Includes a diagram of a central command post. 37 Pages. $15
German Underground Military and Industrial Facilities 1945
Fifteen technical intelligence reports prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission describing various underground and bombproof military and industrial facilities in France and Germany. The reports are 3 - 20 pages long with charts, diagrams, and photographs. The reports are: Inspection of Robot Bomb Facility at Thil, France; Inspection of Underground Factory at Audun Le Tiche, France; Underground German Liquid Oxygen Plant at Wittring near Saarguemines, France; Underground Torpedo Workshop at St. Cloud, France; Bombproof Aircraft Assembly Plant (Weingut II near Landsberg, Germany); Inspection of Personnel Anti-Bomb Shelters, Bonn, Germany; Oil Storage Construction near Kiel, Germany; Fabrik Hessisch, Lichtenau, a Camouflaged Explosives Plant; The L.F.A., Volkenrode, an Aerodynamics and Ordnance Research Laboratory; Underground Factories and Storage Depots in Salt Mines (Harz Mountains, Germany); Underground Factory in Existing Mine (Roigheim, Germany) Underground Factories at Niedersachswerfen and Woffleben (Mittelbau-Dora); Construction and Planning Features of German Airfields; German Camouflage; Regulations Governing Construction of Bombproof Shelters. $15
German Army Westwall Map Atlas 1940
26 1:25,000 color maps of Westwall (Siegfried Line) fortifications from an official German Army map atlas of Westwall fortifications dated March 25, 1940. The maps cover the entire Westwall from Cleve near the Dutch border to Friedlingen on the Swiss border and include the location of casemates, observation posts, artillery positions, command posts, and anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacles. Note: Because the maps are so large, each was digitized in a series of four to six overlapping images. This is a fantastic set of maps! $20
Westwall Technical Intelligence Reports 1945
Two reports written by US Army Ordnance Officers. The first report is 42-pages with 60 photographs and diagrams about B-Werk Panzerwerk Seeckt near Echternacht, written on 3 Jun 45. The second report is six-pages with 15 photographs, about Werk No. 479, Contwig near Zweibrucken, written on 16 Mar 45. The reports describe technical details and weaponry of captured Westwall fortifications. Oddly, both reports contain some of the same photographs. Also included are seven color photos taken by the US Seventh Army in 1945 of the Westwall in Steinfeld area of the Wissembourg Gap. $10
German Attacks Against Permanent Fortifications in WWII
English and German-language versions of the German Military Study P-203, "German Attacks Against Permanent and Reinforced Field-Type Positions in World War II" (Deutsche Angriffe gegen Festungen im 2. Weltkrieg) by General Rudolf Hofmann. The document was produced as part of the US Army Historical Division’s Foreign Military Studies program between 1945 and 1959 by former senior officers of the German Armed Forces. It includes descriptions of operations against the fortifications of Belgium, Holland, Greece, France, and Russia to include Eben Emael, the Maginot Line, the Metaxas Line, Tobruk, Brest Litovsk, the Stalin Line, and Sevastopol. Included are discussions of the tactics and techniques used to attack and destroy permanent fortifications, as well as order of battle data. Includes 60 scans of the document’s original photos, as well as numerous maps and diagrams. $20
Italian Defenses in the Palermo Area, Sicily 1943
A 59-page photographic report titled “Defenses Palermo Area” produced September 1943 by the US 2nd Armored Division that describes with photographs and diagrams, the various field, antiaircraft, and coast defense guns, supporting equipment (an armored train, an artillery range finder, and a searchlight), and defensive positions used by Italian forces to defend the Palermo area during the Allied invasion. Photographs scanned separately at 600 dpi. $5
German Defenses in Central Italy 1943-44
Three volumes titled “Enemy Defenses” produced by the Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force. The volumes, totaling more than 400 pages with photographs, examine captured German defenses in the region from Naples to Rome, including Cassino, the Adolf Hitler Line, and the defenses around Golfo di Campo where French Forces landed in June 1944. Defenses described are pillboxes, roadblocks and antitank ditches, artillery and antiaircraft positions, coastal defenses, and the “Anzio Annie” railroad guns at Civitavecchia. Each subject is addressed with a brief written report, measured diagrams or sketches, and numerous aerial and ground photographs. This is a stunning set of documents. $20
German Gothic Line Defenses in Italy 1944
An illustrated 30-page report written by Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force concerning German artillery, concrete, and fieldwork defenses in the Adriatic and Futa Pass sectors of the Gothic Line. The document has 49 photographs with accompanying line drawings that illustrate the details of the various types of defenses. $5
Aerial Photos of German Fortifications & Defenses 1944-45
Six issues of “Contact, A Bulletin of Army Photographic Interpretation” produced by the Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force. Each issue contains numerous overhead and oblique aerial photos of German fortifications and defenses in Northern Italy, Southern France, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, and Austria. Note, about 75 percent of the photographs are of fortifications in northern Italy. The aerials are annotated with captions that explain features on the photos. $15
Report on the Demolition of the Fortifications on Heligoland (Operation Big Bang) 1947
82 images of a report on the demolitions of the fortifications of Heligoland carried on 18 April 1947 by British Naval forces. Includes 10 maps and charts and 16 photographs. $10
WWII US Aerial Photographs of Metz Fortifications 1944
109 aerial photographs taken by the US Army Air Corps of WWI-era German fortifications in the Metz area in September and October 1944. Some of the photographs are annotated as Forts Driant, Jean d'Arc, Lorraine, Diou, Girardin, St Julian, St Privat, Plappeville, and other smaller fortified works. Many photos were taken at low-level and are very detailed. Included are five maps and eight diagrams of the Metz fortifications produced by the US Army in 1944. $20
German Studies of Fortifications & Bunkers 1938-43 (Denkschriften über Landesbefestigung 1938-43)
Eight German Army Denkschrifts über Landesbefestigung (studies concerning fortifications) and two other documents produced by the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres, or OKH) General der Pioniere und Festungen (Chief Engineer and Fortifications Officer). These documents are extracted from the US National Archives' microfilmed collection of captured German records. Each is an illustrated German-Lanuage manual that includes numerous maps, sketches, and photographs. These are the definitive descriptions of foreign fortifications systems attacked by German forces during WWII written by the General Staff of the German Army. The collection is a compilation of images made by the US National Archives from captured WWII German Records. The documents in the collection are: Denkschrift über die tschecho-slowakische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Czechoslovakian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die polnische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Polish Fortifications), Denkschrift über die belgische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Belgian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die niederländische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Dutch Fortifications), Denkschrift über die französische Landesbefestigung, 1941 (French Fortifications), Denkschrift über die jugoslawische Landesbefestigung, 1942 (Yugoslavian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die griechische Landesbefestigung,1942 (Greek Fortifications), Denkschrift über die russische Landesbefestigung,1942 (Russian Fortifications), Nachtrag zu den Denskschriften über die fremden Landesbefestigungen,1943 (Sevastopol, Finland, Tobruk, Malta, Gibraltar, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Manila, and Singapore), Die Landesbefestigung Erfarhrung aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg,1943 (Experiences with Fortifications in the Second World War). $30
German Study of the Maginot Line
Denkschrift über die Französische Landesbefestigung (Memorandum on French Fortifications). 484 quality scanned jpeg images of the original German-language document produced in 1941 as a study of the French Maginot Line; its construction, layout, and German attacks to take the Line during the campaign in France in 1940. It is the primary source for the German view of the Maginot Line. Contains 490 photographs, illustrations, diagrams and maps of the Maginot Line and German operations against it. This is one of the most sought-after documents about the Maginot Line and is cited in most books about the Maginot Line as a primary source document. $20
Russian Coastal Fortifications 1942
A 61-page English translation of a German Army High Command document dated February 1942 concerning Russian coastal fortifications on the Baltic Sea (from the Lithuanian-Estonian coast to Hango and the Aaland Islands) and the Black Sea (Dniester Delta, Ochakov, Berezani, and Odessa). Includes 12 photographs, numerous maps and diagrams. $10
German Westwall Bunkers Photograph Collection 1939-40
435 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. The photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of the NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include locations in Aachen, Arzfeld and Gemeund (Neuerberg), Barbelroth (Pirmasens), Bergzabern, Besch (Mosel), Merzig, Dillingen, Ensdorf, Felsberg (Saarlautern), Goch, Greffern (Rhine), Heinsberg (Wesel), Iffezheim, Saarbrucken, Saarlautern, Lauterberg (Pirmasens), Losheim (Eifel), Meisenbuehl (Schwarzwald), Mörsbach (Saarpfalz), Simten, Steinfels (Weissenburg), Truppach (Saarpfalz), Uber Eisenbach, Wallerscheid (Saarpfalz), Wintersdorf (Rhine), and more. Photo Subjects include antiaircraft guns and searchlights, antitank obstacles, bunkers, bunker construction, field artillery, field fortifications, military camps, railway artillery, road barriers, and more. $15
Czechoslovakian Fortifications and Bunkers Photograph Collection 1938
275 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. The photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include permanent fortifications, field emplacements and installations of Czechoslovakian fortifications after their capture by the German Army. $10
Bunkers of the Blitzkrieg Photograph Collection 1939-40
287 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. These photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include permanent fortifications, field emplacements and installations of Poland (86 Images), Holland (55 Images), Belgium (94 Images), and Greece (52 Images) fortifications after their capture by the German Army. $15
Report on German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater, Volumes 1-7
Seven volume technical series titled "German Seacoast Defenses, European Theater" prepared by the Seacoast Artillery Evaluation Board, United States Forces, European Theater. This series details the organization, tactics, operations, training, engineering construction, armament, ammunition, gunnery, fire control, communications, and underwater defenses of the Atlantic Wall, with special emphasis on the defenses of Norway. The volumes contain much technical data and are profusely illustrated with photographs, plans, and maps. $20
- Volume 1 - Board Organization, 37 pages.
- Volume 2 - Organization, Tactics, Operations, and Training, 157 pages, 32 maps & charts.
- Volume 3 - Engineering Construction, 134 pages, 34 maps & charts,107 photos.
- Volume 4 - Armament and Ammunition, 210 pages, 30 maps & charts,152 photos.
- Volume 5 - Gunnery and Fire Control, 49 pages, 3 charts, 30 photos.
- Volume 6 - Radar and Communications, 87 pages, 17 maps & charts, 39 photos.
- Volume 7 - Underwater Defenses, 184 pages, 42 maps & charts, 80 photos.
Report on Selected German Coastal Batteries in France May 1946
142 jpeg images of a post-war British Ministry of Defense study of the nature, layout, and effectiveness of German Atlantic Wall coastal artillery batteries at Le Havre, Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, Ile de Re, Mouth of the Gironde River, Sete, Marseilles, and Toulon. Includes 14 maps, 19 charts and drawings, and 86 photographs. $15
German Coastal Artillery Batteries 1944
Several documents about German coast artillery to include two pre-Normandy invasion planning and intelligence files with various documents and memoranda containing data about coastal batteries in the Normandy area; a 34-page document dated May 1944 listing coastal batteries bombed prior to D-Day, the date of the last attack, total tons dropped on each target and an estimate of bomb damage; and a six-page document prepared by the British Military College of Science titled "Preliminary Report on German Coast Artillery Fire Control Equipment," dated February 1945. The documents include several maps and diagrams and four aerial photographs. $15
Atlantic Wall Coastal Battery Lists: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, & France 1944-45
A series of intelligence documents produced by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) G-2 listing Atlantic Wall coastal artillery batteries (and some coastal radar stations) in northern Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of France - Ault-River Authie, Bremerhaven-Wesermunde, Callantsoog-Egmund-Aan-Zee, Channel Islands, Cuxhaven, Delfzijl, Delfzijl-Emden, Den Helder, Dunkerque-Ostende, East Schouen Hook-West Kapelle, German Frisian Islands, Gironde Estuary, Ile D' Oleron & Ile de Re, Hook-Hague, Hook-Ijmuiden, Ijmuiden, Ijmuiden-Den Helder, Ijmuiden-Zaandvoort, La Rochelle & La Pallice, Pte D'Ailly-Ault, River Authie-Boulogne, River Maas, Schouwen Island, Walcheren and N & S Beveland, West Frisian Islands, West Schouwen Flushing-Antwerp, and Wilhelmshaven. Each list is in tabular form and includes place name, map reference number, latitude & longitude, category and number of guns, along with additional information on the artillery and emplacements. $20
Report on Beach & Coastal Defenses in the Cherbourg Area 1944
A 70-page report titled "The COHQ Special Observer Party Report on Beach and Coastal Defenses in the Cherbourg Area" that details German infantry strongpoints and gun batteries on the Cherbourg Peninsula. The document includes 53 medium-resolution photos of beach and coastal defenses, seven copies of German infantry strongpoint fire plans, a landscape sketch of an infantry strongpoint, and a map of strongpoints and artillery batteries in Cap de la Hague area. $8
US Army 29th Infantry Division Report on the Defenses of Brest September 1944
A 27-page after action report produced by the US 29th Infantry Division concerning the capture of German fortifications at Brest and the Le Conquet Peninsula, France. The document consists of a series of detailed maps that depict the forts, strongpoints, and gun positions attacked by the 29th Infantry Division. Each map is accompanied by a short text description of the combat action. $8
Camouflage of German Fortifications Along the Southern Coast of France 1944
A 75-page US 7th Army document titled "Coast of France Fortifications with Respect to Camouflage" prepared by the 84th Engineers that details the German use of camouflage in strong points where the 7th Army made its landings in southern France during Operation Dragoon. The document contains diagrams of 24 strong points, 150 photographs (some are faded) of features in the stongpoints, and a map showing the location of the strongpoints. $15
Maps of German Coastal Defense Batteries in Southern France 1944
Two “BIGOT” maps of German coastal defense batteries along the southern coast of France. The maps were used for Operation Dragoon. Each map is loaded with data concerning the location and armament of the artillery batteries. The maps were scanned at high resolution. Together the two maps cover the French coast from Marseilles to Nice. $10
The Effects of Bombardment on Coastal Fortifications of Saint Mandrier 1944
A photographic report produced by the US Eight Fleet on the effectiveness of aerial bombardment and naval gunfire against German coastal fortifications located on the peninsula of Saint Mandrier. The peninsula blocked the approach to Toulon harbor and was heavily bombarded during Operation Dragoon in mid-August 1944. The report contains two pages of text, including tabular data concerning the fortifications; two diagrams; and 86 stunning ground and aerial photographs that show the extent of the damage inflicted on the German artillery batteries, defensive positions, and support installations. $10
Report on German Concrete Fortifications Sep-Oct 1944
244 images of a declassified US Army study titled "Report on German Concrete Fortifications," prepared by the Office of Chief of Engineers, Headquarters, European Theater of Operations. This document describes German defenses, camouflage of concrete fortifications, common types of fortifications and strong points (with 62 detailed diagrams), and the effect of artillery fire on German concrete fortifications in Normandy. Includes appendices on beach and costal defenses in the Cherbourg area and the effect of artillery fire during the assault on St. Malo, and a map showing the location of all strong points studied in the report. The report also includes numerous photographs, but because the original document at NARA is a photocopy, the photographs are poor quality. Pages were scanned at 300 dpi. The map was scanned at 800 dpi. $15
German Defenses of the Western Front 1945
Two photograph intelligence reports produced by the US Army. The reports are the 34-page "German Defenses, Western Front, Vol. 1: AA Artillery" and 16-page "German Defenses, Western Front, Vol. 2: AT Defense." Both documents contain numerous aerial and ground photographs and diagrams of German defensive positions. $10
Bunker and Fortification Intelligence Notes 1944-45
240 jpeg images of six Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) G-2 "Ground Checking Notes." Each document is a short photographic study that examines captured German defenses. The purpose of the studies was to assist photo interpreters in identifying Germany defensive installations. Each is illustrated with aerial photographs, ground photographs, plans and sketches of various field and concrete fortifications. The documents are: No 1, Siegfried Line (Westwall) around Aachen and Canal Defenses in Holland: Roadblocks, obstacles, and pillboxes in the Aachen area, and a short description of canal defenses southeast of Zwartbroek and a mortar position near Leveroij, Holland. 21 Pages. No 2, Siegfried Line (Westwall) East of Geilenkirchen and Field Fortifications in Holland: Exterior and interior features of blockhouses and a mortar positions east of Geilenkirchen, Germany and various field fortifications and dummy positions in Holland. 22 Pages. No 3, Fortress of Le Havre: Concrete works and permanent artillery positions at Le Havre and between along the coast between La Havre and Fecamp, France. Includes a comparison of pre-D Day intelligence with the armament and state of the sites after capture by the Allies and a map overlay of all defenses in the La Havre area. 65 Pages. No 4, Defenses of Severne Gap and Saales Area, France: Field works, obstacles, concrete positions, and decoy firing positions. 40 Pages. No 5, Defenses of the Reichswald Area: Field defenses and artillery and Flak positions near Reichswald and Siegfried Line (Westwall) defenses near Cleve, Germany. Includes a diagram of the German defenses, an underwater bridge near Abbeville, France and a destroyed radar station near Braunsrath, Germany. 37 Pages. No 6, Flak and Anti-Tank Sites. Positions at Venlo, Holland and Bruggen, Udem, Xanten, and Dusseldorf, Germany. Includes a diagram of a central command post. 37 Pages. $15
German Underground Military and Industrial Facilities 1945
Fifteen technical intelligence reports prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical Mission describing various underground and bombproof military and industrial facilities in France and Germany. The reports are 3 - 20 pages long with charts, diagrams, and photographs. The reports are: Inspection of Robot Bomb Facility at Thil, France; Inspection of Underground Factory at Audun Le Tiche, France; Underground German Liquid Oxygen Plant at Wittring near Saarguemines, France; Underground Torpedo Workshop at St. Cloud, France; Bombproof Aircraft Assembly Plant (Weingut II near Landsberg, Germany); Inspection of Personnel Anti-Bomb Shelters, Bonn, Germany; Oil Storage Construction near Kiel, Germany; Fabrik Hessisch, Lichtenau, a Camouflaged Explosives Plant; The L.F.A., Volkenrode, an Aerodynamics and Ordnance Research Laboratory; Underground Factories and Storage Depots in Salt Mines (Harz Mountains, Germany); Underground Factory in Existing Mine (Roigheim, Germany) Underground Factories at Niedersachswerfen and Woffleben (Mittelbau-Dora); Construction and Planning Features of German Airfields; German Camouflage; Regulations Governing Construction of Bombproof Shelters. $15
German Army Westwall Map Atlas 1940
26 1:25,000 color maps of Westwall (Siegfried Line) fortifications from an official German Army map atlas of Westwall fortifications dated March 25, 1940. The maps cover the entire Westwall from Cleve near the Dutch border to Friedlingen on the Swiss border and include the location of casemates, observation posts, artillery positions, command posts, and anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacles. Note: Because the maps are so large, each was digitized in a series of four to six overlapping images. This is a fantastic set of maps! $20
Westwall Technical Intelligence Reports 1945
Two reports written by US Army Ordnance Officers. The first report is 42-pages with 60 photographs and diagrams about B-Werk Panzerwerk Seeckt near Echternacht, written on 3 Jun 45. The second report is six-pages with 15 photographs, about Werk No. 479, Contwig near Zweibrucken, written on 16 Mar 45. The reports describe technical details and weaponry of captured Westwall fortifications. Oddly, both reports contain some of the same photographs. Also included are seven color photos taken by the US Seventh Army in 1945 of the Westwall in Steinfeld area of the Wissembourg Gap. $10
German Attacks Against Permanent Fortifications in WWII
English and German-language versions of the German Military Study P-203, "German Attacks Against Permanent and Reinforced Field-Type Positions in World War II" (Deutsche Angriffe gegen Festungen im 2. Weltkrieg) by General Rudolf Hofmann. The document was produced as part of the US Army Historical Division’s Foreign Military Studies program between 1945 and 1959 by former senior officers of the German Armed Forces. It includes descriptions of operations against the fortifications of Belgium, Holland, Greece, France, and Russia to include Eben Emael, the Maginot Line, the Metaxas Line, Tobruk, Brest Litovsk, the Stalin Line, and Sevastopol. Included are discussions of the tactics and techniques used to attack and destroy permanent fortifications, as well as order of battle data. Includes 60 scans of the document’s original photos, as well as numerous maps and diagrams. $20
Italian Defenses in the Palermo Area, Sicily 1943
A 59-page photographic report titled “Defenses Palermo Area” produced September 1943 by the US 2nd Armored Division that describes with photographs and diagrams, the various field, antiaircraft, and coast defense guns, supporting equipment (an armored train, an artillery range finder, and a searchlight), and defensive positions used by Italian forces to defend the Palermo area during the Allied invasion. Photographs scanned separately at 600 dpi. $5
German Defenses in Central Italy 1943-44
Three volumes titled “Enemy Defenses” produced by the Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force. The volumes, totaling more than 400 pages with photographs, examine captured German defenses in the region from Naples to Rome, including Cassino, the Adolf Hitler Line, and the defenses around Golfo di Campo where French Forces landed in June 1944. Defenses described are pillboxes, roadblocks and antitank ditches, artillery and antiaircraft positions, coastal defenses, and the “Anzio Annie” railroad guns at Civitavecchia. Each subject is addressed with a brief written report, measured diagrams or sketches, and numerous aerial and ground photographs. This is a stunning set of documents. $20
German Gothic Line Defenses in Italy 1944
An illustrated 30-page report written by Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force concerning German artillery, concrete, and fieldwork defenses in the Adriatic and Futa Pass sectors of the Gothic Line. The document has 49 photographs with accompanying line drawings that illustrate the details of the various types of defenses. $5
Aerial Photos of German Fortifications & Defenses 1944-45
Six issues of “Contact, A Bulletin of Army Photographic Interpretation” produced by the Headquarters, Mediterranean Allied Air Force. Each issue contains numerous overhead and oblique aerial photos of German fortifications and defenses in Northern Italy, Southern France, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, and Austria. Note, about 75 percent of the photographs are of fortifications in northern Italy. The aerials are annotated with captions that explain features on the photos. $15
Report on the Demolition of the Fortifications on Heligoland (Operation Big Bang) 1947
82 images of a report on the demolitions of the fortifications of Heligoland carried on 18 April 1947 by British Naval forces. Includes 10 maps and charts and 16 photographs. $10
WWII US Aerial Photographs of Metz Fortifications 1944
109 aerial photographs taken by the US Army Air Corps of WWI-era German fortifications in the Metz area in September and October 1944. Some of the photographs are annotated as Forts Driant, Jean d'Arc, Lorraine, Diou, Girardin, St Julian, St Privat, Plappeville, and other smaller fortified works. Many photos were taken at low-level and are very detailed. Included are five maps and eight diagrams of the Metz fortifications produced by the US Army in 1944. $20
German Studies of Fortifications & Bunkers 1938-43 (Denkschriften über Landesbefestigung 1938-43)
Eight German Army Denkschrifts über Landesbefestigung (studies concerning fortifications) and two other documents produced by the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres, or OKH) General der Pioniere und Festungen (Chief Engineer and Fortifications Officer). These documents are extracted from the US National Archives' microfilmed collection of captured German records. Each is an illustrated German-Lanuage manual that includes numerous maps, sketches, and photographs. These are the definitive descriptions of foreign fortifications systems attacked by German forces during WWII written by the General Staff of the German Army. The collection is a compilation of images made by the US National Archives from captured WWII German Records. The documents in the collection are: Denkschrift über die tschecho-slowakische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Czechoslovakian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die polnische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Polish Fortifications), Denkschrift über die belgische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Belgian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die niederländische Landesbefestigung,1941 (Dutch Fortifications), Denkschrift über die französische Landesbefestigung, 1941 (French Fortifications), Denkschrift über die jugoslawische Landesbefestigung, 1942 (Yugoslavian Fortifications), Denkschrift über die griechische Landesbefestigung,1942 (Greek Fortifications), Denkschrift über die russische Landesbefestigung,1942 (Russian Fortifications), Nachtrag zu den Denskschriften über die fremden Landesbefestigungen,1943 (Sevastopol, Finland, Tobruk, Malta, Gibraltar, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Manila, and Singapore), Die Landesbefestigung Erfarhrung aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg,1943 (Experiences with Fortifications in the Second World War). $30
German Study of the Maginot Line
Denkschrift über die Französische Landesbefestigung (Memorandum on French Fortifications). 484 quality scanned jpeg images of the original German-language document produced in 1941 as a study of the French Maginot Line; its construction, layout, and German attacks to take the Line during the campaign in France in 1940. It is the primary source for the German view of the Maginot Line. Contains 490 photographs, illustrations, diagrams and maps of the Maginot Line and German operations against it. This is one of the most sought-after documents about the Maginot Line and is cited in most books about the Maginot Line as a primary source document. $20
Russian Coastal Fortifications 1942
A 61-page English translation of a German Army High Command document dated February 1942 concerning Russian coastal fortifications on the Baltic Sea (from the Lithuanian-Estonian coast to Hango and the Aaland Islands) and the Black Sea (Dniester Delta, Ochakov, Berezani, and Odessa). Includes 12 photographs, numerous maps and diagrams. $10
German Westwall Bunkers Photograph Collection 1939-40
435 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. The photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of the NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include locations in Aachen, Arzfeld and Gemeund (Neuerberg), Barbelroth (Pirmasens), Bergzabern, Besch (Mosel), Merzig, Dillingen, Ensdorf, Felsberg (Saarlautern), Goch, Greffern (Rhine), Heinsberg (Wesel), Iffezheim, Saarbrucken, Saarlautern, Lauterberg (Pirmasens), Losheim (Eifel), Meisenbuehl (Schwarzwald), Mörsbach (Saarpfalz), Simten, Steinfels (Weissenburg), Truppach (Saarpfalz), Uber Eisenbach, Wallerscheid (Saarpfalz), Wintersdorf (Rhine), and more. Photo Subjects include antiaircraft guns and searchlights, antitank obstacles, bunkers, bunker construction, field artillery, field fortifications, military camps, railway artillery, road barriers, and more. $15
Czechoslovakian Fortifications and Bunkers Photograph Collection 1938
275 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. The photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include permanent fortifications, field emplacements and installations of Czechoslovakian fortifications after their capture by the German Army. $10
Bunkers of the Blitzkrieg Photograph Collection 1939-40
287 jpeg images of photographs from the US National Archives’ (NARA) Captured German Records Collection. These photographs were originally taken by photographers assigned to German propaganda companies and then later captured by US forces at the end of World War II. The images are 600 dpi scans of NARA photos. Most of the NARA photos are mounted on a data sheet (NARA photographed the photos and data sheets before the original photographs were sent back to Germany). Most data sheets contain the date and place of the photo, a caption in German, and often an English caption – a great reference source for historians. Image quality varies, but most are of publishing quality when cropped and enhanced using photo editing software. Images include permanent fortifications, field emplacements and installations of Poland (86 Images), Holland (55 Images), Belgium (94 Images), and Greece (52 Images) fortifications after their capture by the German Army. $15